Chapter 9 - No longer a secret

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Chapter 9

Vance POV

Today is the day. Kameron and I will tell Laysha we are dating. Laysha is very sweet, she will sure be okay with it and embrace us. She is one of the bigger shippers of all times. Kameron I have learned is somewhat cruel and he likes to be in charge. I wasn’t going to fight him for that so he is in charge of telling Laysha.  She is my friend all I hope is that it stays that way. 

Kameron POV

I pick up Laysha at her house. She is wearing a denim romper with muscle tank which flatters her very well. I open the door from the inside and she comes in. She is smiling and I know how soon that smile will fade. I put Arabella on the radio and she sings it. We arrive at my place like 4 songs after. Vance is sitting down. Laysha sits down and I start talking

“Laysha we have something serious to talk about. I know Vance is gay and that you are not his girl”

“That is a secret you mustn’t tell anyone”

“I know that”


“Laysha you are a beautiful girl. You are a wonderful person. The guy who owns your heart is the luckiest guy on earth. I could compliment you for your beauty, intelligence, personality a thousand years but it still wouldn’t be enough. Laysha I love you… as a friend”

In her eyes I can see her heart shattering. 

“That was really beautiful. I love you but not as a friend so this news are heartbreaking to me”

“Vance and I are in a relationship”

“You both are wonderful individuals and I am really happy for you and I will gladly be your third wheel”



Vance and Laysha hug and whisper to each other. I am glad that Laysha wasn’t mad and was sweet but I know she is mad that she lost. I chose Vance over her and she knows it. She might be sad. Vance and her leave and I are left alone to remember that party and that night with Vance. I have the premonition something between the three of us is going to go wrong. All I can do is hope is Laysha leaving and fear it would be us breaking. 

Laysha POV

Vance drops me at home. I fake smiled all the way here. I throw myself on the couch and cry. Tears flow like rivers down my cheeks. I lost Kameron. He made me happy. I lost my happiness. I scream for him knowing he won’t come to tell me it was all a joke and that he wants me. I fell so hard for him he just didn’t fall for me.US wasn’t meant to be even though I craved it to be. He shattered my heart yet I love him with every piece of my shattered heart. I need someone but Vance was my everyone. Every time I needed something I would call him. I couldn’t call him now. I take my phone and call Connor. This is what I managed to say between tears.

“Hi connor”

“Hi Laysha, What do you need?”

“Are you busy”

“No just doing nothing”

“Mind coming over because I need you”

“Be there in 15 minutes”

These are the longest 15 minutes in the history of time. I go up and change into some modest pajamas. I bring out the chips and eat them and drink tears. My mascara has already run so I remove it. The couch is wet from my tears. The 15 minutes pass and all I spend them is crying. I hear him pull over and open him. I wipe my tears and open the door when he knocks. I tell him to sit down. I tell him the whole situation and how messed up I feel. He pulls in for a hug and I cry on his shoulder. We cuddle up and I cry for another hour and he pats my back. I can no longer cry anymore and I am dehydrating. I stand up and drink a glass of water because my mouth feels as if it had been aspirated. 

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