Chapter 7 - Unexpected

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Chapter 7

Vance point of view 

It is Saturday night and me and Laysha are hanging out. I am planning on taking her out to a casual dinner but I need to bring her up in the conversation. I want to ask her about the party. 

“Hi vance”

“Hi lay”

“How was your party”  



“We danced and I slept at his place and helped him clean up. I got to meet more of him”

“Are you still a virgin?



“Lets go out”

“Where are you taking me”

“Somewhere we can dance”

“I got my dancing shoes on tonight bae”

“It’s the rhythm of the night”

“It’s the rhythm of our hearts”

“It’s the rhythm of our dreams”

“It’s the rhythm of our passion”

“It’s the rhythm of us”

I did one of those back drops that she loved. She laughed because of this cute act of friendship or something more. 

Kameron calls me. This had never happened before. If he needed something he would’ve called Laysha since they were so close. 

“Hi, Vance my dear friend”

“Hi Kameron”

“I was wondering if you and Laysha would like to go out and eat tonight”

“Boy you got us tight on this short notice”


“Where and when?”

“In an hour and it’s a surprise I will pick you up”

“I will tell Laysha to start getting ready”

That was amazing. I impress my boy tonight. I had always wanted to go out with Kameron for so long but I couldn’t find how to get close to him. I am confident tonight we are forming a connection. 

“Laysha we aren’t dancing tonight we are doing something better”


“We are eating out tonight with Kameron”

“What? How did we get invited?”

“He just called me”

“I am sorry you’re going to be third wheel”

“I didn’t know things escalated that quickly last night”

“They didn’t but they could tonight”

“You’re all about the possibilities”

“Got a problem with that”

“Not at all”

“I will drop you by at your place so you can get ready”

“Sounds good to me”

I drop her at her place so she can get all pumped up and try to impress Kameron. I wanted to tell her not to because her beauty could ruin my chance. I am seriously planning on looking real handsome tonight. I drive back to my place and start getting ready. I tune off to some relaxing jazz so I can get all nice for Kameron. I really wanted to impress him but I still didn’t want it to look like I tried so hard which I really did. 

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