"Shit Harley you look different," Emmett breathes.

I smile complacent. "Thanks. What about you Grey? What do you think?" I ask, turning to him. He doesn't say a word. Too busy being tongue tied and drooling at my new looks.

"Yeah fuck this. I'm in," he tells Jet. He tosses his blunt on the ground and steps. Well that sure is one way to put it out.

We begin playing. So far they're easy dares. We're playing it a different way though. They give you a truth or dare and you're stuck between choosing the dare because no one wants to tell the truth. But I did answer one truth because I didn't want to give Justin a lap dance. And it was whether I was a virgin or not.


"Yeah," I ask, looking at Jeremy. He gives the dirtiest dares.

"Tell everyone who you lost your virginity to or... " he pauses to think. Please be something easy because I don't think I can tell everyone how I lost my virginity to Greyson West. Quiet girl loses her virginity to best friend's brother. Not the greatest headline.

"Makeout with Grey for ten seconds. On his lap and everything. 10 seconds"

I look at Greyson who is staring at me. "Well come on Angel. Lay it on me." He pats his hands down on his lap. I roll my eyes and look to Cam for help.

"Truth," she mouths. But little does she know the truth is worse. And if Ollie were to ever find out, I'm fucked.

I throw my leg over Grey's lap straddling him. Cheers spring around the room and I just know it's from the football players. "Fuck, really? What did you lose your virginity to a low life or something," Grey asks as his hands grip my ass.

"Yeah, I actually did," I mutter. I lean closer, my hair creating a curtain around us.

He chuckles lightly. "Aren't you supposed to be staying away from me Angel? At least that's what I hear you're telling everyone," he says.

"Just shut up," I mumble before kissing him. Even more laughs and wolf whistles are heard. Grey's hands placed directly over my ass squeeze and press so I grind against him. He slips his tongue in between the mouth to mouth kiss and I can't help but go with it.

"10 seconds!" I hear Cam shout. And thank god for Cam because I'm sure everyone else in the room would let it go on even longer.

I hop off Grey's lap and stand up. A few guys pat Grey's shoulder as if he made a huge accomplishment. "I need a new drink. Preferably straight ethanol," I mutter before leaving the room.

I shouldn't have taken that dare because now I just want Grey. I want him to fuck me. I want him to degrade me and call me his dirty little whore. I want him to cum on my face. Never in my life have I ever wanted this but first time for everything am I right?


"Shit," I curse, turning around.

"Greyson," I mutter.

He rolls his eyes. "Let's go," he declares as he swings his keys around his fingers.

I follow him out of the house and to his car. "Where?" I ask as I get into the passenger seat of his car. I know, bad idea but who cares at this point.

"My place. No one's going to be home tonight" he says. And it doesn't take long to get there. I'm out of the car as fast as he is. He walks to the front door unlocking it with his keys. He pushes open the door and I walk in first.

A pair of fingers dip into the waistband of my shorts pulling me into his body. My hands grip Grey's shoulders. As he takes steps forward, I take steps back, still holding onto each other. "Loving the new look Angel." His voice is slightly deeper than usual.

Falling for the DevilМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя