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Name: Inko Midoriya
Age: 38
Quirk: Animal transformation
Quirk description: She can transform into any animal
What they look like: Medium green hair, forest green eyes, freckles

Name: Hisashi Midoriya
Age: 39
Quirk: Flame breath
Quirk description: He breathes fire
What they look like: White hair, black eyes

Name: Izuku Midoriya
Age: 16
Quirk: Pyrokenisis, One For All
Quirk description: Pyrokenisis, he can use any type flame there is, however, because of the strength of it, if his emotions become too strong, the fires get hotter ang bigger, so he doesn't use it so he doesn't hurt anyone. He is the only one who can withstand the heat of the flames. One For All is the same as the anime, he gets it the same way he does in the anime, except 10 months earlier the day he saved Bakugo from the sludge villain because All Might thought he was ready for it then
What they look like: Forest green hair, forest green eyes, freckles

Name: Tsuyu Midoriya
Age: 16
Quirk: Frog
Quirk description: She can do anything a frog can
What they look like: Deep green hair, deep green almost black eyes

Name: Lyra Midoriya
Age: 13
Quirk: Cold Flame
Quirk description: Basically fire that is so cold it burns
What they look like: White hair, light green eyes

Name: Kai Midoriya
Age: 13
Quirk: Cat
Quirk description: He can do anything a cat can, he has small tuffts of fur and sharp nails, like claws, ears and a tail
What they look like: White hair, pale green eyes

Name: Katsu Midoriya
Age: 13
Quirk: Phoenix
Quirk description: He has Phoenix wings, they are red/orange, he can fly and use fire
What they look like: Pale green hair, black eyes, freckles

Name: Mika Midoriya
Age: 12
Quirk: Werewolf
Quirk description: She can turn into a wolf at will
What they look like: White hair, Jade green eyes, freckles

Name: Emiko Midoriya
Age: 12
Quirk: Temperature
Quirk description: She can change the temperature of any room she is in, by changing her body temperature
What they look like: White hair, jade green eyes

Name: Hiroshi Midoriya
Age: 8
Quirk: Avian
Quirk description: He can make any avian (bird) wings pop out of his back and use them, the feathers can also be used as weapons, like Hawks
What they look like: White hair, black eyes

Name: Etsuko Midoriya
Age: 6
Quirk: Ignition
Quirk description: He can make anything he touches ignites into flames
What they look like: Dark green hair, pale green eyes, freckles

Name: Natsuki Midoriya
Age: 6
Quirk: Animal Speech
Quirk description: She can talk to and control animals
What they look like: White hair, dark green eyes, freckles

Name: Hikaru Midoriya
Age: 4
Quirk: Dragon
Quirk description: He has dragon wings and tail, and breathes fire
What they look like: Dark green hair, black eyes, black wings and tail

Name: Haruto Midoriya
Age: 4
Quirk: Fire Bird
Quirk description: She has wings made of fire, anyone can touch them as the fire isn't hot, she can fly with the wings and control fire
What they look like: White hair, deep green almost black eyes, freckles

The 'Perfect' Midoriya FamilyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora