Chapter 37

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Percy's POV

Void and Chaos looked in horror at the spot where their brother disappeared. They remained silent for a few moments. Both looked visibly frightened and afraid.

"What will we do?" Void asks, clearly distressed.

"Let's go talk to Father," Chaos suggests. "He'll be able to talk Order out of it."

She looked unsure, but she followed her brother back through the forest. This time through, the walk was not pleasant. Everything had gained a colder chill. The trees loomed menacingly over them as they hurried through the forest. Howling like a wolf, the wind whispers through the trees. Run like the wind, it seems to say. The two siblings held tight to each other's hands, needing each other to be there for them.

At last, the two reach the end of the grove. Simultaneously, they run and jump over the fence, racing towards the safety of the house. The once beautiful evening has turned dark and cold. Shivering, Void pulls the door shut tightly behind her.

"Father!" Chaos calls as he runs around the house. He stops as he finds their father in the kitchen sitting at the brown table. "Father?"

Helix sits with his head in his hands at the table, slumped. His bronze hair has streaks of gray. He seems weak and exhausted. He doesn't even bother to look up as his children walk in.

"Are you all right, father?" Void kneels beside her dad worriedly.

Helix looks up. I'm shocked at the transformation in him. In my previous dream, he was happy, golden haired, with mischievous eyes. Now he was broken. His hair was turning gray and his proud body slumped. His golden eyes were filled with tears. His voice was choked when he spoke.

"Am I okay? No, I am not. My oldest son, my pride and joy, is gone. He has declared war against my other children. I will not against my eldest, nor will I fight against my allied children," His voice drops to a whisper. "I should have listened to them when they told me three would upset the balance."

"Father," Void sounds so close to tears.

"No," Helix said, tears beginning to fall from his face. "Just leave me."

Both children stayed where they were. "Just leave!" Helix almost yells.

Chaos and Void run from the room. They run till they are outside. Then Chaos turn to his sister. "We should go to Duosel and warn my children of brother's betrayal."

Void nods weakly. She and Chaos disappear.

On Tuyell (where Order's children are)

Order appeared on the planet where his children lived. The landscape surprised me. Unlike the lush planet of Duosel, Hydros has taken us on a field trip there once, Tuyell is bare like a desert. The sand is such a white color it burns my eyes. Order marches across the sand with a purpose. A few cactus like plants dot the landscape. After a few minutes of walking he reaches an oasis. A few green plants grow around the edge of a shallow pool. A boy and a girl sit on a flat rock, their feet stretched toward the water.

The people look to be complete opposites. The one has short, spiky black hair, pale skin, and a goth look. Her hawk like nose and her black eyes add to her character. Two twin daggers are sheathed at her waist. But the weirdest part is the metal arm at her right side. Almost like a hybrid between a Cyclopes and a cyborg, her arm is starting to creep me out.

The boy looks happy and cheerful. He has curly golden hair that falls around his ears. His yellow eyes gleam against his tanned skin and he has a golden staff topped with an odd gem at his side. He and the girl with metal arm watch as two other girls duel.

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