Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 2)

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Ironwood: gasp I see now. The second card is sticking out of the deck.

Mitchell: A second deal, huh? Called it...

Ironwood: (Looks at Mitchell) Second Deal?

Mitchell: Yup. A Second Deal is a devious technique involving a dealer drawing out a second card of the deck instead of the top card. When the technique is executed by a professional dealer/s, the cheat is almost undetectable by the naked eye. 

Ironwood: I see...

Shadow: Precisely. That's the card he was trying to deal me. The whole time, he's pretending to deal the top card. But truth is, he's been dealing me the second card from the top!

Shadow got up and reached out to show the top, Panic's two cards that are dealt and the second card.

Shadow: If he took the top card, it would have just simply gone to him. And if he does that, the cheating bastard would have gotten away with it in a total of three level 10 monsters with different element types!

I explained more, showing the three monsters with 10 Levels and one monster with 4 Levels.

After explaining, Shadow, Mitchell and Ironwood took notice of Panic, removing the projectile from his index finger, holding that finger tightly as the pain is still unbearable.


Panic said, for Shadow to throw his cards like a shuriken, flying pass Panic's face barely missing him as they stuck onto the tent behind him, to Panic's shock to this move Shadow made.

Shadow: Hey. You're lucky I was playing nice with that attack. You should count yourself lucky cause' if I didn't, I would've just immediately shot your entire finger off without that needle shooter module Tenka made for me.

Shadow implied to Panic once again.

Panic had a disgust look in his face upon hearing this. Shadow soon shook his head and sighed.

Shadow: Good grief. Now I can't trust you to cut the freaking deck anymore....

Shadow said to himself.

Then, he looked to his right and tilted his body backwards with his chair as he noticed someone doing something behind and outside the booth tent, for Panic to look at the same direction where Shadow's looking.

Shadow: Someone else is going to do it, from now on. That teenage boy behind over there is up for the job. 

Shadow said.

Panic growled at this implication.

Panic: Very well..... have it your way.....

He said.

Then, Panic turned to Ironwood.

RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (BOOK 1)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ