But to me, it was much more.

Trooper sprinted to action, running across the slick floor. His paws leaving bloody prints, fur swinging as his infected body manoeuvred between the tables. He quickly crossed the space between us.

I blinked my eyes profusely to get better aim over the blurry tears. My finger squeezed the trigger. A single gunshot rang across the walls.

At the same time, blood splattered out of Troopers left side. Trooper's feet took a false step, and he fell to the ground. A solid thump sound followed. He wasn't getting up anymore. Instead, we heard a few weak whimpers.

" I'm so sorry, boy," I apologized. I walked over to him and kneeled next to the big dog.

Blood was quickly pooling to the ground. The metallic liquid reflected my face as I stayed quietly next to the tail-wagger. I hesitated at first, but I ended up petting Trooper.

His fur was just as fluffy as a cloud. I lifted my hand to his head, scratching behind ears, combing the coat between and running my fingers over his black nose. Trooper stared me to my soul but never did anything threatening.

The dog didn't whimper anymore as I was at his side. Then slowly, his milky chocolate eyes closed. "Goodbye, friend," I said with a subdued voice.

Carlos scurried to Logan's side. He snatched a white torn fabric on the way, covering Logan's exposed stomach with it. The cloth began quickly to stain with crimson. Carlos pulled Logan to sit up more comfortably.

I came to Logan's side too. Lowering myself to hold his uncomfortably cold hand. He began to speak. " I-I feel so cold," Logan stuttered, those green eyes moving to meet mine.

His blood-red lips spoke words that broke me. " Th-tell Zev I love him... A-and I never meant to... to leave him alone," Logan's voice was barely above a whisper at this point. Word's sounding slurred due to the liquid in his throat.

Tears threatened to fall again. I sniffed, trying to stop my runny nose. The feeling of guilt too heavy on my heart. " Don't say that. It's going to be fine," I lied with a wavering voice. Lies, I can't save you.

The corners of Logan's lips turned upwards, smiling. It was his last smile as the green eyes stilled, staring into nothingness.

" What a way to go. To smile till the end," Carlos piped up after being quiet for so long. He paid his respects to Logan and Trooper, doing a small cross across his chest.

I wiped my salty cheeks with my hoodie sleeve. Hands sticky with specific something.

" You know, he didn't feel any pain in the end. He was in shock. Someone shot his knees," Carlos tried to relieve some pain from my shoulders. Only it made me feel worse.

I gathered the strength to answer him. " It was Nicholai. Nicholai organized this funeral," I spoke, looking at Carlos and nothing at the same time. Getting up from the ground, I assembled myself to continue.

" I have a lot of explaining to do..."

After a good half hour of me talking.

I had described most of the details to Carlos, who tried so hard to contain his reactions. He was furious at me for hiding such things behind his back.

" Why didn't you tell me!? Can you not trust any of us? Or do you prefer to put lives at risk by not telling anyone?" Carlos angrily rattled, pacing across the room. His voice was stern, full of authority as he tried to piece this all together.

Carlos-less worldWhere stories live. Discover now