"At least Florendia is close to Italy, right?" Tiergan asked.

Wait... Tiergan could say Italy correctly and not Florida correctly? Odd.

"They're different countries," Sophie said with a bored expression.

"...different countries next to each other, right?" Tiergan asked.

Fitz is out there, all alone while Tiergan is just standing here walking around a tree taking a geography lesson out of me. Fitz doesn't exist to him, apparently, Sophie thought.

"They're different continents." Sophie said.

"Continents are close to each other, right?" Tiergan said.

"Lemme just tell you this: they're half a world away from each other so if you want to walk there, you better think again." Sophie finished.

"So can we go find Fitz now?" She asked.

"I was waiting for you to say that," Tiergan smiled, and those seemed so rare nowadays, since, you know, half the people Sophie knew were dying or were in danger of dying. All the usual stuff.

Tiergan stopped walking and looked Sophie in the eyes.

"Heroes, like I said before, don't have to wear capes or anything to show they're heroes. It's the way they act, the way the speak, and the way they are.

"It doesn't matter, Sophie, whether you're a rebel princess from England or the daughter of a poor street merchant. You are you. It doesn't matter who your parents are. No one cares if you fell from the sky or hatched out from an egg. Well, the birds might care. But still.

"Your voice matters. That's why heroes are heroes- they're not afraid to express what's on their minds- and that's exactly what I've learned from mentoring hundreds of students. After they graduate, I still pay attention to every single student that's graduated. So I can improve my students into the best I can.

"And this is what I say to every single one of them- dreams are not stupid, they're just fragments of the future. If you don't dream, you'll never truly be happy in life. And this is what kept my students going even at the hardest times." Tiergan finished.

"You're my best student, Sophie, and when I was young, I was never too afraid to dream. And you shouldn't be either. So let me get to the point - when you want to express your thoughts, do it. When you want to say something, say it. And that's what you should have done earlier- you should've told me to hold this subject for later and we could have discussed it later." Tiergan started once more.

"When I was younger, I dreamt of being a Telepath, and I now am one, even a mentor. Be proud of you, Sophie, you're-" But Sophie cut him off.

"Since you just said I could- how about tsk about this specific conversation another time! Right now, one of your students is in grave danger so..." Sophie trailed off.

"That's what I call a great student." Tiergan smiled once more.

Sophie, while clutching Tiergan's hand in hers, glittered into the pastures of Havenfield.

When they got to Havenfield, Sophie quickly walked to the cliff, barely exchanging looks with her parents.

Without a word, Tiergan and Sophie both shared looks before Sophie motioned Tiergan they could jump.

They were going to save Fitz.

From now on, the game goes the way Sophie wants.

And no one else's.

Yes! Finally! A chapter ended without much of a cliffhanger! But I hope y'all will continue reading it.

As of right now, I'm pretty sure I have about 37,000 words of Impossible.

Who here liked Tiergan's speech?

This is what I'm saying to you guys. A dream is just a fragment of the future.

So since this book is almost finished (tears, guys, tears), I'm asking you guys of this: just tell me how you guys felt about this book. I'll put the first three or five that commented in this book's description.

I want to know how my readers feel. What's you guys' favorite part or chapter of this book?


And we're coming closer and closer to our 50,000 word goal, and if we win, you will make me the happiest human on earth.

I want Impossible to be the first KOTLC book to win a Wattys. And I read from my favorite authors- writing is not about winning or making your goals because you just have never ending goals, and you'll never be happy. That's why I let writing be something I love doing instead of giving myself goals over and over again. The Wattys is just something for me to be proud of- not something that I need to be proud of my work. Because meeting you guys, my wonderful fans, is just enough for me. Thank you. And I hope you cry after this very long speech. Just kidding.

Thank you guys so much for making it to this part! This chapter was kind of a filler- whatever- but this actually plays a big role in what Sophie's going to do next.

Please comment, vote and share!

Don't be silent readers, people!

Tiergan: "When you have something to say, say it."

Yes, Tiergan, you're right. Even if Tiergan's a mind reader doesn't mean we all are.

Have a nice day and don't forget to comment and vote!

(Oh wow this was a long chapter)


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