22. On second thought.. pt. 1 :)

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You got out of the shower, dried off, and went to your room to put on some clothes. The usual when you're done taking a shower.

You walked out to get a drink of water but was stopped in your mission to stay somewhat healthy.

"So~ who was that?"

"Oh my sheesh," you put a hand over your heart and took a deep breath in and out, "you almost killed me. I felt my heart skip a beat even!"

"Are you going to just stand there or are you going to tell me who that man was?" He didn't have his usual smirk on his face and his words had a type of tone you knew all too well.

"So are you jealous or something?" You smiled.

"No, I'm just worried for your safety."

"Fine, he's an old friend and got Yumi to tell him where I was."


"Yeah," you crosses your arms in defense.

He got up and walked past you, "Okay, then. But just so you know, your clothes are see through."

Your face turned bright pink and you walked over to the mirror.

"Oh how embarrassing." You could see your f/c lace bra that didn't really cover much of your chest.

You whispered, "Twice in one day?" You thought to this morning where Hisoka had his shirt off and you were looking at his chest.

"I'm going to bed before someone embarrasses me again." You walk back into your room and finally realized how tired you were. You fell asleep right when you hit your pillow.

)(Still don't get how some mfs do that.)(

Though you did wake up a few hours later because your body was screaming that you needed hydration.

You went into the kitchen and grabbed yourself some water. And then you saw some weird shadow thing in the corner of the semi dark room.

"Would I rather be possessed or die of thirst?" You started to think and pondered on that for a hot sec.

"Hmm... hard question." You continue to drink your water.

"Wait don't I have a couple of fights today?" You whispered to yourself.

You muttered, "Yeah you do, so get to sleep."

"Alright. Wait a minute.." You saw that the weird thing that was in the corner moved to the middle of the room.

"Alright. I must be so sleep deprived that I'm seeing things now."

You sighed and walked back into your room and crawled back into your bed. It took awhile for you to fall back asleep. You grumbled and turned your back to face the rest of the room because the bed was right against the wall.

You fell into a restless sleep but kept on waking up here and there feeling weak, weak enough to feel like you couldn't move. It sort of reminded you of the time you spent with your ex.

Your P.O.V

Honestly, I still don't get how he managed to make me weak like that. I know I shouldn't think too much about the matter, but it shouldn't be possible. I was an exceptional assassin at the time too. I hate this feeling.

2nd POV

"(Y/n)!" Hisoka yelled into your room, "We have visitors."

"What? Who?" You groggily yelled back.

Seriously Hisoka?! (Reader X Hisoka) Where stories live. Discover now