"Alright, you can get settled in with Tom I guess. I'll be in the living room if you need me!" George concluded.

"Alright, don't burn anything!"

George scoffed, and Tommy looked at me confused.

I shrugged my shoulders and laughed, then started to unpack my clothes as I got another text.


Where are you?


I'm your mother. I can ask where you are.

you kicked me out. what does it matter?

I want to make sure you're safe!

i'm safe.

Use correct grammar when talking to me, I'm your mother.

"I'm your mother" "I'm your mom"
should've acted like it before you lost it

Don't talk to me like that.
Do you still hang out with Corin?

he lives across the country
what do you think the answer to that is?

I don't know?

we still text though
he's.. changed

He's a really nice boy.
You guys should meet up soon!

i'm actually in another country rn


doesn't matter

Is Nick there?

how do you know i'm living with nick?

I've been in contact with Corin, of course!

i'm not with nick rn


as a matter of fact
i am with tommy

You barely know him.

Nick does

But YOU don't.
I miss you Juniper.
So does Corin and your father!

i'm having fun

Fun isn't what life is about.


Juniper, listen to me for a second please.
You would listen to me if you loved me.

say it
what do you want

I want you to come back.


Come back, Juniper.
Come back home.
Come back.

i'm sorry
i'm never going back to that sh*t house again
but thanks for the offer


thank you all for reading! this chapter is pretty short compared to my others, but it was very fun to write. i hope you guys enjoyed it! <3

THESE ARE HYDRANGEA FLOWERSSSvery pretty :Danyways have a good day/night!-em <3

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very pretty :D
anyways have a good day/night!
-em <3

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