Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Alright," Renjun said as he turned the knob of Donghyuck's front door. "Hyuck should be here already, so get ready for some serious discussion, okay?"

When Jeno nodded his head in confirmation, Renjun pushed the door open and motioned for Jeno to enter first. Jeno complied and slipped into an extra pair of slippers. Just as Renjun had finished locking the door, Jeno asked, "Why are Jaemin's shoes here?"

Renjun heard Donghyuck hiss a sharp Shit from the living room.

"Don't worry, Hyuck!" he shouted, pushing at Jeno's back to get him moving forward. "I've locked the door already!"

There was a wild sound of movement from the living room before a resounding thud filled the air. Some more noise of scrambling before footsteps thundered toward the front entryway. Donghyuck's frazzled appearance peered around from the corner, sheepish and eager.

"Surprise," Donghyuck said, hands shaking in a jazzy motion. "It's a family confrontation."

Renjun heard and felt Jeno release a tired sigh. "Well, I guess this was inevitable," he muttered as he moved away from Renjun's pushy palms.

Renjun exchanged a puzzled glance with Donghyuck and eventually fell in step with him as they followed Jeno into the living room.

"We've both been bamboozled, huh?" Jaemin greeted, lifting his torso from where it had been sprawled across the couch.

Jeno shrugged, compliant and nonchalant. "Seems to be a trend between us, huh?" He turned toward Renjun and Donghyuck, who were both hovering near the entryway, mild uncertainty shifting between their limbs. "So?" Jeno said, patient and blunt. "What're we addressing first?"

Renjun glanced toward Donghyuck, seeking out their next move.

When Donghyuck's gaze stayed steadfast on Jaemin's lounging form, Renjun decided to take the initiative with a bracing breath.

"What's been going on with you, Jaemin?"

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