Chapter Eighteen

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Renjun ended up finalizing their plan because Donghyuck couldn't get past step one with his: 1. Kidnap Jaemin and Jeno.

"I'm glad I fell in love with a smart guy," Donghyuck said as he cozied up to Renjun's back.

"Your other choices were a boomer and a coffee-addict, so it really wasn't much of a competition," Renjun retorted.

"Why are you such a bully to the people you love?"

Renjun looked over his shoulder to meet Donghyuck's gaze, a grin spreading across his lips. "Ever heard of a tsundere?"

Donghyuck staggered backward dramatically, groaning in mock dismay, "Not only are you a weeb, but you're also the worst trope in anime!"

Renjun sent him a kiss with his hand. "You picked me first, babe."

After that brief interruption, Renjun went back to formulating his plan:

Approach Jeno during lunchInvite him over to Donghyuck's after schoolMake Donghyuck apologize to Jaemin during PhotographyMake Donghyuck invite him over after schoolLock any and all exits beforehandFamily confrontation

Renjun knew it was shoddy, but it was the best he could come up with, and that was all he and Donghyuck could really rely on.

"Alright," Donghyuck said after reading over the list. "Let's go kidnap some boys."

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