Chapter Twenty-One

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"Welcome to my humble abode," Donghyuck announced with a dramatic flair of his hand. He stepped into his pair of slippers and gave Jaemin a pointed glare. "Try not to steal any more of my snacks," he hissed.

Jaemin laughed, shutting the front door behind himself. "No promises."

Donghyuck proceeded further into his home, dropping his school bag onto the couch as he passed it. "Renjun should be over in a few," he said over his shoulder, locking the panels of the living room windows. "He got caught up with a New Year's project."

Jaemin emerged from the front entryway, making a beeline for the couch and draping his entire body across it. "Yeah, I heard about that from a few of the dance students. Seems like a pain."

Donghyuck hummed in agreement, slinking down the hallway to lock all of the room's doors. "But just imagine for a sec. Renjun dancing a majestic contemporary dance, fireworks in the background, his wings daunting silhouettes perched atop his back..."

"His boneless body expressing his deepest emotions," Jaemin agreed, voice dreamy and breathless. "Delicate limbs flowing freely with his will, his features contorted with concentration—"

"Because he's always been bad at controlling his facial expressions."

Jaemin laughed, deep and fond. "But his body would deliver his message elegantly and gracefully. His years of training visible in his lithe figure and sharp movements."

Donghyuck sighed whimsically as he joined Jaemin on the couch, wrapping his limbs around Jaemin's boneless body. "Wish I could see him dance," he muttered into Jaemin's neck, a pout forming on his lips. "He never shows me his practice videos or anything. Says that he has 'nothing good' to show me."

A few moments of mournful silence curled around their intertwined bodies until Donghyuck finally realized the oddity in their discussion.

"Did we both just wax poetry about my boyfriend?"

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