Chapter Fifteen

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Flying always helped to clear Donghyuck's mind. There was just something about being up in the vast, empty sky high above the city's skyscrapers and away from the lives of millions. Something that eased the tension from his body, that allowed him that breath he'd lost in the turmoil of life.

Currently, Donghyuck couldn't stand to be anywhere but grounded to reality.

Strolling along a nearby park cozied against the Han River, Donghyuck wondered what it would be like to not be able to share his troubles and woes. He wasn't overly vocal about what was bothering him. But if things became a tad too overwhelming, a tad too devastating, Donghyuck wouldn't hesitate to confide in the comfort of his friends.

So, Jaemin, the guy who would cry wolf if he felt the slightest amount of injustice toward him, avoiding them over the topic of love was extremely concerning.

"Maybe he really is..." Donghyuck muttered. 

In love with Jeno.

Donghyuck paused mid-step and gazed out over the river's surface, rippling in the fierce autumn wind.

Donghyuck got it. Jeno was handsome, friendly, and funny in an effortless kind of way. The perfect package. But there wasn't much that could be done if Jaemin was too afraid of rejection to confess to Jeno.

But then again, there was the possibility of Jaemin not being in love with Jeno. Because they were always attached at the hip, and yet there was not a single feather perched atop Jaemin's back.

"So much drama these days," Donghyuck mused, watching a spiraling leaf of vibrant crimson kiss the ground.

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