Chapter 14: Undercover

Start from the beginning

Bly opened the closet next to Aayla's and found a dozen suits, each one a different color than the last. Every suit seemed to match with one of Aayla's dresses. "I'm supposed to wear these?"

"Yeah." Aayla was still staring at the dresses. These were made for a queen.

"Galle, be here in fifteen to pick up my armor."

"I'll be there, sir." Galle spoke through the comlink.

Just like he said, Galle walked up the ramp of the ship exactly fifteen minutes later. He admired the beautiful simplicity of the vessel. "Hello?"

"One second, Galle." Bly walked out of the cockpit in one of his suits. He swiftly walked over to a storage crate and carried it towards Galle. "This one is my armor." Galle grabbed the hovercrate. "Do not let Reno get to it. Understood?"

"Yes sir. Is it weird wearing a suit?"

"Very weird, Galle."

Galle laughed. "Good luck, vod." He nodded and walked away with Bly's armor. Bly closed the boarding ramp and walked back into the cockpit.

Why are these controls so confusing? Bly stared at the control panel. They had clearance to leave, but Bly couldn't figure out how to get the ship started.
It shouldn't be this hard. His hands hovered about the controls.

"Need some help?"

Bly looked over his shoulder to find Aayla leaning against the door frame. Her dress was navy blue silk that matched Bly's suit. The long skirt trailed behind her on the floor, leaving a puddle of dress when she stopped walking. Her lekku were wrapped in silver bands with small navy blue beads, which contrasted her skin tone beautifully.

Woah. "I... um... yes." You're stupid Bly. Pull it together.

Aayla's hands flew over the control panel and with a few clicks, they were flying.

"How did you do that?"

"This one, this one, and this one." Aayla pointed at two buttons and a lever.

"Oh." You're incredibly dumb, Bly. Good job, di'kut. She probably thinks you're an idiot.
Aayla laughed quietly behind Bly.

"Excuse me."

"Yeah, sure." Bly got up and sat in the copilot seat.

"Making the jump to hyperspace in three, two, now. We should arrive in two hours."


The Simocadian royal palace reminded Aayla of the Jedi Temple. The halls had windows from floor to ceiling that allowed the golden sunlight to flood the walk way. Even more fascinating than the beautiful halls was the exquisite throne room. Similar to the halls, windows went from floor to ceiling. Unlike the halls, the throne room had one focus point, the throne itself, which sat on a raised platform. Aayla and Bly walked through the large doors as the guards opened them.

"Ah, Senator Kno!" Prince Yojan stood up and walked down the few steps to stand at his guests' level. "And Mr. Kno. So good to finally meet the two of you in person!"

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