Chapter 12: Food Fiasco

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A Week on Coruscant: Day 5
21 BBY
7 Months After Geonosis


Reno was quite pleased with how well the events (that he had set up) were going. He had earned 243 credits and gotten in a fist fight, a satisfactory week to his standards. Today was what he was most excited about: baking. Not necessarily the actual baking, but the cookies and food fights.
The 327th had already made around six-hundred cookies when Reno decided he was bored.


"Not again. Watch out Aay- General, these get dangerous." Bly said as he threw a meiloorun towards Delta.

Aayla joined in and chucked a jogan fruit at Reno, which splattered all over his face, which made him happy. About two minutes into the fight, Reno decided he needed to add some more excitement. He grabbed the jug of Alderranian honey and threw it somewhere random. The fight continued for another ten minutes, which was too short in Reno's opinion. Aayla was covered in meiloorun guts and flour, like most of the battalion. Bly was the lucky clone who had gotten in the way of Reno's Alderranian honey attack, along with Sid throwing oats in the crowd, both of which were stuck on his clothes and in his short hair. The clones quickly filed out of the kitchen to clean up, but Aayla kept baking since she didn't mind the mess.

"Help?" Someone croaked from the corner, Aayla followed the source of the sound to find Bly trying to walk away.

"Bly?" Aayla doubled over in laughter. "Sorry. You do not look funny. Not at all." She managed to say between fits of laughter. "Sorry."

"Could you get me to a sink? Someone threw sugar and it got in my eyes."

"Yeah." It took a few minutes, but Bly finally got the sugar out of his eyes and started working on getting the honey and oats out of his hair. "Need help, Bly?"

"No, I think I- Haar'chak!"

"You okay?"

"I might need a little help. And shampoo."

Aayla grabbed Bly's hand and dragged him to his quarters after stopping in a supply closet to get extra G.A.R. regulation shampoo. She filled a cup with water and stood behind Bly, who was sitting on the shower floor. After staring at Bly's hair, Aayla started laughing hysterically.


"The boys really got you good." After twenty minutes of failed attempts to get sugar, honey, meiloorun guts, and oats out of Bly's hair, Aayla
spoke up. "Bly?"


"Can I ask you something?"


"Is hair... sensitive?"

"No? What do you mean 'sensitive'?"

"Well, lekku are sensitive. Extremely sensitive."


"Yeah. They have meaning too. And a mini language."

"A language?"

"Oh yeah. I could be having a whole conversation with another Twi'lek and no one would know."

Bly chuckled. "Have you ever done that?"

"Nah. No one else at the temple learned it."


Aayla worked for another half hour. "Done! I think all of it's gone."


"You're welcome." Aayla stood up and gasped.
"The cookies!" She sprinted to the kitchen, only to find the smell of incredibly burnt cookies.

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