Chapter 17: Home and Heaven

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Dead. That's what Rhy's was. High Lord of the Night Court my ass I was going to put him in the ground. I could hear a voice in my head as I saw him fly closer to the estate.

She said if you kill me she will never forgive you.

Come down here and say that.

Great so now if I hurt him I would never have a chance of fixing things with Levain. I hated this. All these thoughts going through my head about protecting her and only her. I would never have tried to kill my High Lord before. Fuck.

"She will probably want to see you soon." Feyre came up behind me but kept a safe distance as Rhy's touched down in front of me.

"Never do anything like that to her again." I held my ground so that I didn't accidentally move closer to him and snap his neck. I didn't like not being in control.

"From now on she is let in on all decisions. Cauldron knows our inner circle meetings could use a bartender." Rhys chuckled and Cassian agreed from next to Feyre. I didn't join them although he did have a point.

"Now that we have no one to gather information out of thanks to your Mate and her amazing killing abilities." I shot him a glare. "We are almost back to square one." I ran my hand through my hair and stopped listening to him talk. All I could think about was making things right with Levain. I needed to see her and make sure she was ok. I felt a light hand on my shoulder pulling me from my spiral.

"We can go check on her first. If you would like?" Feyre voiced behind me and Mor stepped up and nodded. I nodded and they winnowed on the spot to the town house. I hoped they could talk her around. Mor was there for Feyre when she went through the same thing. Yes. This would be fine it would be ok.

"Az take the next few days off. I'm sure you could use it. We will try to figure out what to do next." I nodded at Rhys and shot up to the sky. The cold wind was refreshing and I let it beat the shit out of my skin and wings. I made circles around the town house until I heard the voice in my head.

Really Az?

Can't help it.

She is ready to see you now.

Thank the Cauldron.

I touched down on the roof top terrace and before I took a step towards the door Levain was there waiting before me. She had on simple black leggings and a sweater to protect her from the cold. Her hair was unbound and flowing with the slight breeze. She was just as beautiful as that first moment the mating bond snapped into place.

"I want to talk first. So sit down and shut up." She gestured to the chairs on top of the house. I took one seat and faced the other. She didn't sit down. Pacing seemed the better option.

"First I understand why you didn't tell me. You think I'm young and you didn't want to decide my life for me. That's really sweet but also really dumb." I tried to interject but she shot me a glare and continued.
"Secondly even if you think information is something I won't like I still want you to always tell me. Always." Shit that sounded like she meant it for the future. She came to sit in front of me so that our legs were intertwined and rested her hands on my knees.
"And third. I told you a while ago that you deserved a Mate and you never believed me. I didn't doubt for a second you would find one. I just didn't think I would ever be lucky enough for it to be me." She looked up at me from underneath her eyelashes. Her face was a wonderful shade of red. I couldn't help but smile. She wanted me. She felt lucky to be with me. My Mate. Wanted me.

"Levain I am so sorry that I caused you any of this uncertainty and fear yesterday." She laid a hand on my face and shuffled onto my lap. I couldn't stop myself from landing my hands on her hips. So close.

"Don't be. I want you Azriel. Now. Forever. Always." There was no hint of worry in her eyes now. No uncertainty at her own words.

"I want you too." With that I felt her lips on mine and her hands fall into my hair. Mine. She was all mine. She opened her mouth for me and I instantly went searching for everything she would give me in that kiss. A small moan vibrated through my mouth as she somehow sunk more into my lap and I felt myself start going hard against her. My hands fell to under her thighs and I picked her up never breaking that kiss and moved towards the door. I never wanted to be parted. Never wanted to know what it was like to not have some part of her skin against mine. I sent a line of kisses down her jaw, neck and collarbone as I found the room she was sleeping in. Her scent was everywhere. I laid her down on the bed softer than I had ever before.

"Az." Levain let out as I pulled off her and moved to the floor on my knees. She pulled back up towards me. I removed her sweater and shirt keeping that eye contact that was letting me fall into her eyes. Into her soul. She squirmed a little as her breasts become naked before me.

"Don't. Your beautiful. Your mine." She let her hands rest beside her as she lifted her hips up for me to take off her pants. Utterly bare before me I started traveling my kisses along her thighs up to her panties which I could scent were soaked. She reached for me to pull me closer and I sent shadows along her stomach, up her breasts and up to her arms to pin them above her head.

"No fair." She let out as I found my way to her need. I pulled down her panties and hovered above her.

"Your mine." It came out more of a statement than a question. I was done worrying. I knew she was.

"I'm yours." With those words I let myself go and trailed my tongue through her folds. She tasted divine. This time after her giving herself to me as my Mate. She tasted even better. I let my tongue trail over her clit as I brought my finger to her entrance and slowly hooked it in. She tried to buck up against me and I pinned her back down. I added another finger and quickened my pace as I could feel her start to clench around me. Watching her reach her climax and coming undone before me as my Mate. It was like coming home. It was like heaven.

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