"I think it's sweet." Maya smiled.

"You think everything is cute." Embry teased and the conversation carried on to the kitchen.

Willow wiped her hands off on a towel and knocked a few strands of loose hair out of her face. She grabbed Paul's hand and drug him away from the others to the bottom of the stairway. She grabbed the small box wrapped in colorful wrapping in a bow off the stairs.

"Here." Willow pushed the box into his chest.

"I said no gifts." Even as Paul said the words he took the gift from her hand.

"Well you're going to love this one." Willow chewed on her bottom lip as she watched him pull back the wrapping. The look on his face when he opened the box was worth the price of gift.

"Where did you get this?" Paul pulled the black string necklace with a silver token out of the box.

"I asked Jacob to make it. I think he did pretty good." Best 80 dollars Willow ever spent.

"Jacob has some amazing talent."Paul held the silver pendant in his hand, his fingers tracing the wolf outline.

"It's inspired by the stories your dad used to tell us." Willow watched him as he examined the necklace. "About the creation of your tribe."

"Those were always my favourite." Paul's lips pulled up slightly at the memories.

"You know Maggie said she blessed this." Willow laughed when his head popped up in surprise.

"How?" Paul demanded.

"I have no idea but it's supposed to be lucky." Willow stated with a shake of her head.

"I better never take it off then." Paul slipped the necklace over his head with a smile.

"Foods ready!" Charlie yelled with a tray of steaks and vegetables in his hands.

The crew spent a good hour eating, joking, and just talking. They helped Charlie clean up before they ate some of the cake. When time came to watch the movie Charlie said his good nights and headed to his bedroom.

When they put on the movie they all made themselves comfortable in the living room. Marshall and Paul laid on one of the air mattresses. Maya, Maggie and Willow were sprawled out on the couch. Leah was laid back in the recliner while Embry and Quil had a blanket fort made on the ground beside her. Jane and Matthew shared the other air mattress.

Willow had seen 'Interview With a Vampire' a few years ago but watching it now was like watching evidence unfold. The pale cold skin, the unnatural beauty, the quick reflexes, and the way they talk. Like they were from another time and they were.

Willow could count on one hand how many times she had seen any of the Cullens eat. Vampires with abilities caught her attention too. Maybe there was a way to manipulate emotions. That would explain why her emotions would drastically change sometimes around Jasper. Maybe all of them had gifts.

"I swear that guy can read minds."

It's impossible. It was illogical. It's irrational.

But it might be true.

"Where are you going?" Maggie asked when Willow quietly climbed from the couch, stepping around the fort to the stairs.

"My room. I just remember that I didn't put my paint up." Willow whispered before she scurried up the stairs. Her heart felt like it was beating out of her chest when she sat down at her computer.

Willow considered what to search for. Nothing was going to tell her that vampires do existence and if she asked someone they would think she was crazy. Willow fingers lightly taped the keys as she thought of racking her brain for some kind of proof. Finally Willow settled on searching for Jasper Hale. When nothing came up she tried his middle name, Jasper Whitlock Hale.

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