1 ~ [The Past Is Indelible]

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When the darkest days will immerse you,
You'll lose yourself, lose your believe.
When everything will be nothing but pitch black,
You'll lose your desire to breath and live.


I groan, peeved as I hear the alarm ring again, probably for the third time by now. My eyes refuse to open, my body too slothful to make any kind of movement, my mind too drowsy to arouse.

A little more. Just a little more sleep, then I'll wake up, I think in my half awake, half sleeping state- Wait what's the time? My eyes jolt open as apprehension slaps me right on my morning face. I promptly grab my phone to see the time. I'm fully awaken now and my eyes are wide open as I stare at the time on the screen questioning my life decisions just for extra 10 minutes of sleep. 8 AM! What the hell?

"Shittt! Not again." I jump off the bed, staggering to my feet, almost losing my balance and- "Ouch!" I'm tripped on the floor. I whimper as I caress my sore arm. Today, I'm dead for sure.

"Is there anyone more ill fated than me?" I bewail, dejected, more like complaining to god. The persistent ache in my head is also getting worse due to the sleepless night I spent. I don't know if I should be yawning or whining in agony now.

Wasting no more time, I get up and dash to the washroom, mentally praying I don't get late for the exam. I can't afford getting late for this exam too.

It didn't take me more than 10 minutes to get ready but I still barely have 20 minutes left until my exam begins. Making haste, I grab my bag and sprint towards the main door while stumbling on my feet several times.

Right when I'm about to join the last part of the race of me versus the time, my mom yells my name from behind, compelling me to halt in my tracks. I urgently utter, "Mum, hurry up I'm getting late!" My feet are already jolting due to agitation and the anxiety is exasperating me.

"Eat this on your way." She hands me a sandwich. Taking a quick, huge bite, I bid her goodbye. "Love yaa. See yaa-" and then when I was about to run I almost miss my footing again but luckily get saved from tripping down this time. "This girl!" I hear her sigh out a chuckle before I dart out.

Only five minutes are left for the exam to begin, when I'm infront of the university gate. I run like an absolute lunatic, thinking of nothing except reaching the hall in time. Before getting inside the exam hall, I check my watch once again for confirmation. Still 2 minutes are left. I made it.
I pant as I speak, "May I come inside?"
"Sure." The invigilator approves my going inside and when I step inside, I question myself, Did I accidentally step inside the wrong room? Wasn't this supposed to look like an exam hall? But everybody here seems so chill and unprepared even though the exam is just about to begin.

"Leera, come over here." I hear Aria's voice and then I comprehend that I'm actually in the right hall. I take my sit beside her and ask, "Is our exam delayed or something?"
She looks at me, perplexed. "What exam?"
"What do you mean? The exam which was supposed to be held today?"

I arch an eyebrow as she laughs and presses a hand to her mouth to not cause disturbance in the class. "Dumbo, didn't you see the date properly? It's 4th of next month. Not this month." My mouth hangs open. What am I hearing? I couldn't sleep the last night to finish the whole syllabus. It was so fucking huge. It was crazy. So, the tears I cried last night while studying was for nothing? Also the last night incident was an addition stress which made sleep absolutely interdicted for me. Everything about last night was just terrible.

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