The slices of bread popped and Jin turned. He took it out and spread some strawberry jam on both the slices.

He passed one to Taehyung before quickly eating his slice.

He washed his hands "Alright, I'll go change and get going"

Taehyung nodded.

Taehyung was on the dining table when Jin came out from his room, ready to leave.

"I'll get going. Bye Taehyung"

Saying so Jin turned to leave, but he felt a hand wrap around his wrist and stop.

He looked around in surprise at Taehyung who was still sitting.


"Umm... Be careful"

Jin paused for a moment before he laughed lightly "Shouldn't I be telling you that?"

"Then why didn't you tell me?"

Jin hummed lightly "Aren't you tried of hearing it from everyone?"

Taehyung nodded "I am actually"

Jin smiled "Be careful."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face betrayed him "You too"

Jin tilted his head "Why me?"

"Just.... nevermind. You should get going"

"umm..." Jin hesitated before he slightly shook the hand that Taehyung was still holding tightly "My hand"

Taehyung let go immediately clearing his throat "Right, sorry, bye"

Jin nodded and left, calling Ms Seo on the way to confirm if all the arrangements that had been made.


Taehyung groaned closing his file. It was about 6pm and the whole day he couldn't concentrate on anything.

His mind had gone haywire, thinking about Namjoon, his parents, the police, and then.. Jin.

He couldn't shake of uncomfortable feeling that something was about go very wrong.

He ran a hand through his hair, looking around his office. He needed to do something to take his mind of things. Or else he was pretty sure he would go insane.

He closed the files and pushed them aside, turning to his computer. A small round of game wouldn't hurt.

He switched on his computer and was about to open the game when his eyes caught an unopened email.

He frowned. It was his personal email. Not many people knew his personal email.

The subject was empty. Then he frowned at the thought that just hit him.

Namjoon had known his personal email.

Taehyung gulped and took a deep breath before opening the email.

'Kim Taehyung, you are a complete bastard'

Nothing else. Just that.

'Namjoon don't do this. We can sit and talk. You will only get yourself I to trouble'

Taehyung sent it before he can think twice.

It took five minutes for a reply to come, but Taehyung's eyes never moved from the screen.

Again there was no subject, but this time a audio recording was attached. He downloaded and played the audio.

"I passed on your little message to your cousin. He found it quite amusing"

Marriage Without Benefits||Taejin✔️Where stories live. Discover now