Both men glanced at eachother. Life in a prison like this meant that the boy would be dead before he even served half of his time.

"What you in for?" Peter asked again, and James sighed, "Assault, you?" Peter nodded, then spoke, "Killed my pa,"

It was like a mirror was put infront of James, and he clenched hard on his jaw. The boy shrugged, still smiling. His smile was different though, it felt sick. It made James' skin crawl, and even Alberto shifted.

And like James was stabbed in the back, his eyes met with dark brown ones. When James first got here, he made a friend. He spent every waking minute of his two years in prison with him, and when James got out, his friend promised he'd be on his best behaviour, so they could meet up outside.

James stared at Derek, and Derek stared back at him. He looked different; bigger. He slowly chewed on a piece of steak as his eyes bore into James. His heart clenched, and he looked away from Derek.

Alberto and James then joined in conversation about bikes, and then a figure appeared next to James. He felt his pulse quicken, and James looked up at Derek. "Hey, man," He smiled, and James nodded. Derek took a seat next to James, resting his feet ontop of the table.

"Thought you'd stay out," He said, leaning back in his chair. "Shit happens," James mumbled, leaning back in his own chair and crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah, what you in for now?"

"Assault, you?"

Derek nodded slowly, "Drugs and fraud," James frowned, and Derek chuckled. "Yeah, I left a month after you did, and been back for a few now," James sighed, "Thought you'd get your shit together, Derek," The man tsked, and sat forward in his chair.

"I did, man. Just needed a few dollars so I did a job, got my ass back here with that,"

James grew frustrated quickly, and turned towards the man, "Why didn't you ask me?" Derek scoffed, "What I look like? Asking big and bad James Dudley for three-hundred," James rolled his eyes, "I would have give you twice that much if you asked,"

Derek got up, shrugging. And without a word he left the table, and as he walked back James' eyes followed him, and that's when his eyes fell on another pair.

Tattoos detailed up to the man's neck, and he stared at James with a deep scowl. James grew silent and stiff, and stared back at him. It wasn't long before the men were imagining everything they'd do to the other, and then the man suddenly stood.

James gave Alberto a look and when the man stood next to the table, Alberto stood from his chair. James looked up at him, and slowly came to his feet.

The man gave him a once over, and James nearly growled out, "You gotta problem?" The man shrugged, "Maybe I do," James' ears burned with blood, and he nearly forgot he was in prison.

It was when the man put a hand on him, pushing James' back that James forgot about his promise. The man yelled out, "You're a pretentious fuck, and I thank God he finally gave me the chance to beat your ass!"

James eyes clouded with rage, and his blood pumped in his ears. He took a step towards the man, and he swung, his fist colliding with the man's cheekbone. He stumbled back, but quickly swung back, and James almost groaned out when his fist collided with James' face.

Grabbing his collar, James pulled him down and his knee connected with the mans nose, breaking it with a loud crunch. Neither of them noticed the circle of inmates that formed around them, keeping the guards from stopping the fight.

The man sloppily tripped over his own feet and fell back, and James lunged for him. James pulled him back and his forehead connected with the man's nose again, blood splattering on his face.

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