Epilogue 1

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The Dainain Church; New York; 1890

Cardinal Frank Franchini, 70, prayed.

      He had known that the exorcism had had failed.

       He sat down by one of the pews, and saw the statue of Jesus Christ. His short, grey hair was mottled with dirt; his blood-red eyes was full of tears that he'd had shed since he learnt of Father Donald's madness; his red colored cassock was on the Altar, torn.

         And, as he glided towards the flock of religious Higer-ups, he knew that the demon had won this battle.

         He took off his black colored shoes, and prayed once again.

         He was dressed in black colored trousers, a black colored belt, and white colored collar that was around his neck.

         The Cardinal then grabbed a large butcher knife that he'd had stolen from a friend's kitchen, and, in a moment of madness, he severed his head from ear-to-ear. And, as a lot of blood gushed all over the Altar, his head rolled off the Altar...And down the blue colored carpet near the pews...And, when the rest of his body thudded to the ground, his sacrifice for the Exorcism's faillure, was now complete.

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