The Sorting

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Ellaria was separated from her friends and brother and went with Vivienne. They were lead onto long boats and sailed towards the castle. James had told her what the first evening was like. There was the sorting where you're sorted into a house by an old magical hat. Then there is a feast and you follow the head boy or girl to the dorms. It was straight forward enough but Ellaria worried. James was fully convinced she would be in gryffindor but something didn't sit right with her. Obviously she wanted to be with her brother and his friends but did she belong there? She just had to wait and find out.

All the first years are lead through the massive doors into the Great Hall. As she walked Ellaria made eye contact with James who had a massive smile on his face. That knot in her stomach was only growing bigger by the second. As she slowly reached the top of the hall she was ready to floo back home and hide in her bed. But the she thought to herself, "I am brave and I need this, I will be a great witch and no one will stop me!" Names were called out one by one. Ellarias friend Vivienne was sorted into hufflepuff. Regulus Sirius' brother was sorted into Slytherin but that was kind of expected! Kids were sorted into all four houses. Eventually her name was called. "Ellaria Potter." She slowly made her way up the steps. She sat on the seat and the hat was lowered into her head. The hat started speaking, "Ah another Potter I see, but this one is different. I could put you in gryffindor, you are brave but you are also ambitious, cunning and determined. You will do great things Ellaria Potter. Yes you will thrive best in SLYTHERIN." She was frozen in shock. Slytherin? No? That can't be right!?! She's not a bad guy? She's good? Like James. James. She finds her brother int the crowd. He looks confused and well, sad. She has to move. Get up. She moves forward nearly stumbling. She makes her way to the Slytherin table.

There was cheering as she sat down but it was all drowned out by the thoughts in her head. She jumps when someone puts their hand on her shoulder. She looks up at who it is. She's met by the eyes of Regulus Black. She is startled and confused because she doesn't know the boy. He softly asks her if she's okay. She simply nods her head gently. He take a seat beside her and they sit in silence as the rest of the eleven year olds are sorted.

Eventually her nerves and emotions have calmed and the sorting is over. That's when the feats starts. It is marvellous. There is stacks of food everywhere you looked but before they could start eating the headmaster Dumbledore gives an impressive speech. After the feast was over she attempted to make her way through the crowd to James but when she got to him he turned around and walked away. It was right then that Ellaria Potters heart shattered into a million razor sharp pieces and they started to tear her apart.

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