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Ellaria jumped awake. Today was the day. The day she had been waiting for most of her life. The day she has been longing for since her brother left her at platform 9 3/4 this time last year. She had looked forward to this day for as long as she can remember! But why does she feel like this? She has this knot of dread in her stomach like someone was going to go terribly wrong... She chooses to ignore this feeling and grabs her previously packed case and joins James at the bottom of the steps. Euphemia is all flustered with tears in her eyes at the thought of her little girl officially leaving the nest. Ellaria sees this and runs up to her mother and wraps her arms around her. The two women are locked in embrace until eventually Ellaria squirms away. "I'll be fine mum," she declares and hold her head up high. "I know Ellie, I know," her mother mutters slightly under her breath. "I'm going to make you all proud I promise!!"

The family makes their way to platform 9 3/4. Ellaria is slightly freaking out inside at the thought of actually getting on that train. She has her case and her owl Amaris on a trolley. That is until James sees his friends and grabs Ellarias hand and pulls her along to meet them. Her eyes drift over the three boys. Peter who lives down the road from them. The handsome Sirius Black from one of the wizard families held in very high esteem. Then there was Remus who unlike the other boys didn't speak much about his past. He was quiet and liked to read. He was Ellarias favourite. "Hiya boys!," she says but it barely comes out a squeak. Sirius darts forward and wraps his arms around her and spins her around. Eventually he sets her down again but she has completely dissolved into giggles. Sirius is quite playful and almost treats her like a younger sister. This also means she has more then one over protective brother but she doesn't mind! Eventually the time comes to get onboard the Hogwarts Express and make the journey to Hogwarts. Sirius puts one arm around Ellaria and one around James. She was propelled towards the train but breaks away to hug her mum and dad. She briefly says goodbye and runs back towards the boys.

She steps onto that train surrounded by her brother and his friends and all these other wizard kids and is struck by the awe of what was happening. She was actually doing this. She was going to Hogwarts! She was going to learn and become the greatest wizard of all. Well we will see about that one but that is the hope!! The boys sit down in what seems to be their compartment but she sits in the one opposite. That is until a group of girls join her. That's when she hears James shout "Oi Evans," and she realised that the girl sitting across from her is Lily Evans. The Lily who James is head over heels obsessed with. She is extremely beautiful but once she hears James shout her lips turn into a frown and she scowls at James. This sends Sirius into a fit of giggles. But then the girls attention is brought to Ellaria. Ellaria looks towards a particularly beautiful girl who introduces herself as Marlene. Then there is Mary, Dorcas and Lily herself. They start asking a bunch of questions but their tone quietens when a group of boys in green robes walk through the carriage. Ellaria guessed by the faces the boys were pulling that the guy at the front is Severus Snape. But a boy to the back caught her attention. The two made eye contact. Ellaria was startled. They were almost identical eyes to Sirius Blacks. Except instead of the bright blue of Sirius' eyes, this boys were a steel cold grey but still the same. Then she realised. Regulus. Sirius' younger brother. She completely forgot they were the same age. She noticed the two boys make brief eye contact before completing ignoring each other. She felt awful. How would she feel if that was her and James. They must be hurting. Someone should really fix that.

The train ride after that was pretty uneventful. Ellaria bought some sweets from the trolley and played a game of cards with Mary. Ellaria is rubbish because it was her first time playing this muggle game. Mary is a muggle born so she was excellent and bet Elle every time but still tried to teach her. Eventually the two gave up and turned to talk to the rest of the group. James was harassing Lily, Sirius and Remus were deep in conversation. Peter looked lonely. Elle got up and walked over to the boy. She sat down and started a conversation. Soon they were deep in conversation and in kinks of laughter. She had never really conversed with Peter before but she thinks that he's quite nice just withdrawn from the group a little.

The rest of the journey was pretty much just all the group getting to know Ellie and the couple other new kids. She met a girl who she can already tell she will be friends with. Her name is Vivienne. Then the train came to a stop. She glanced out the windows of the train and got her first glance at Hogwarts. Her stomach churned with nervous excitement. This was the beginning of her new life!

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