The Beginning

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There was nothing but silence throughout the Potter household. That is until the younger Potter Ellaria wakes up. Her footsteps can be heard throughout the entire house. She's heading straight for her older brother James' room. She bursts through the door. "James wake up," she yells as she attempts to pull the covers off the twelve year old boy. James covers his head with his pillow. "James you promised", the young girl whined. "Okay, okay fine," he says. Ellaria runs back to her room pulling on a jumper and running as fast as her legs would take her out the door. James follows her out into the fields beside their house. Every year on her birthday morning the young brother and sister would watch the sunrise. This year was special. She had finally turned eleven. This year she was going to hogwarts with her older brother.

James had already done a year in hogwarts. He made friends and he made enemies but Ellaria had missed him so terribly. She wished more than anything to be with her older brother at the school for witchcraft and wizardry. Now the time was nearly here and she was genuinely terrified! Today Ellarias parents were taking her and her brother to diagon alley for school supplies. She had always marvelled at all the shops in Diagon Alley but this time it was different! She was on an important mission!! School supplies! She went through all the boringness of buying books and robes but then they finally got to where she was most looking forward to... Olivanders! Olivander was the best wand maker possibly ever. She walked right up confidently. Olivander rambled on and finally produced an 11" wand made of holly with a phoenix feather core. It was beautiful. She thought she was finished but her mother Euphemia steered her towards the shop full of animals. She glanced excitedly at her father. He nodded and she darted inside. She looked around at the rats, cats and toads but then an owl caught her eye. It was quiet but observing everything and everyone. The two made eye contact and Ellaria knew. This was her owl. She paid for the owl and the family left diagon alley after Fleamont Potter dealt with "some business." As they arrived home James muttered something about meeting Peter and ran off. Secretly Ellaria resented James' new friends. Well maybe she didn't, maybe she was just scared no one would like her while everyone loves her brother.

James and Ellaria are once again running and playing about in the fields. They start talking about their future. James says the usual. He wants to marry this girl called Lilly Evans who is in his year at Hogwarts. She is pretty sure she hates his guts but Ellaria let's him chatter on. Ellaria runs ahead of him and should at the top of her lungs, "You wait and see James Potter, I am going to be the most powerful witch this world has ever seen." She laughs a full and heart laugh while James runs after her. That was one of the last moments where James and Ellaria were just James and Ellaria. Soon everything was going to change. Little did they know though. They were just young and happy. They were siblings. They loved each other. That's always how it's going to be! Right? Until they're both old and married with kids? Right?

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