All Because Of Madira

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A terrified Princess Sukanya closed her eyes, the Prince knew the Princess was here but how? As she prepares to talk to the prince, she determines that she will prove she is not just an ordinary Princess. She was Princess Sukanya Satyanarayan Ranawat, the sole heir of the Chittor Empire, and it is the prince who needs to be sorry not her. She was here to prove the power of the future ruler of Chittor, she was not a random Princess and she was not a mere pawn.

"Khamma Ghanni! Kunwar Sa," said Princess Sukanya still not facing the Prince.

The Princess might be angry with him but as a Princess, she would not disregard her morals by not greeting him.

The same was the case with the Prince.

"Ghanni Khamma! Rajkumari Sa," Ranveer greeted back.

As if on cue, the Princess, who had been showing Ranveer her back all along, suddenly turned around and faced him.  

Her eyes glistened in the light, exhibiting many emotions in one glance, yet the pride and the blaze of passion were clearly visible in the doe-shaped black pupil.

"Kunwar Sa you might have started this game of chess, but I will finish it, I will not be a mere pawn in your game. I might have started out as a mere pawn but I am not one, I am a Queen, the future Queen of Chittor. The Queen can turn the chess game upside-down, Chittor has got its Queen, Ajmer might have started this game but Chittor will outplay Ajmer." said Princess Sukanya.

In repulsion, Ranveer Singh Rathore just stared at the Princess with a smile.

"Rajkumari Sa, you will outperform Ajmer only when you reach Chittor, something I won't allow," said the Prince with equal pride and a blazing fire in his eyes.

In response, Princess Sukanya grabbed a sword from the wall and placed it over Ranveer Singh Rathore's neck.

A loud laugh erupted from the Prince.

As Sukanya surveyed him, she wore an expression of confusion.

As soon as the Prince said "Rajkumari Sa, you are in Ajmer, not Chittor," the Ajmeri soldiers surrounded him.

"Kunwar Sa, you are the species of coward that steals and attacks like wolves in a pack, you will fight this lioness by yourself if you have any courage," replied Sukanya.

"Jo Hukum Rajkumari Sa."

A sword was drawn by Prince Ranveer and he attacked. Sukanya was able to defend herself easily.

"It was a nice move, but this wasn't significant. It wasn't significant at all, Rajkumari Sa."

In response, Sukanya attacked Ranveer, who instead of defending himself attacked, making her turban fall to the ground with a thud sound, releasing her silky locks.

"Ekant!" The Prince roared.

Soldiers rushed out of the room immediately.

"The best defence is to attack Rajkumari Sa," The prince said.

Sukanya grunted and charged with full force. She and the Prince both fell as a result of the force applied. Ranveer was quick to notice, he used his presence of mind and turned the places. Now he was on top of Sukanya. 

As he laughed, Prince Ranveer said, "Next time you dress up as a man, don't forget to apply ash on your hands and legs as well."

At that moment, Sukanya realized there was no ash applied to her hands or legs. Her hands and legs still appeared as if they belonged to a woman. A normal man would not have noticed, but since he was a Prince, he was certain to notice.

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