its time to kill the turtle

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"I'm going to the store today!" Fiona yells from the hallway as I'm getting dressed. "Toilet paper. I'm starting to chafe from the streamers." Debbie says.

"Toothpaste." Carl yells walking to the bathroom as I button my jeans and walk out.

"Why are Steve's clothes down here?" Debbie asks from the stairs. "Well somebody couldn't wait to get upstairs last night." I say.

"We out of diapers?" Fi asks lip ignoring me.

"Yeah but I put a plug up his butt. Didnt I buddy oh it's ok." Lip says walking in the bathroom.

"That towels gonna leak." I tell him brushing my hair. "Yeah I'm on it. So uh my SAT gigs a bust but uh I could scrape up some money another way if you need help." Lip says too Fiona.

"It's cool I got 35 bucks plus I'm picking up that temp check later." She says cleaning up the hallway. "Okay uh Bianca a little help," lip says with Liam.

"Is that a taser where did you get that?" Fiona asks Carl who is pretending to tase us.

"Uh we let him borrow it." Lip says.

"Carl got invited some place by normal kids Robbie rebellos having a paint ball party. Towel?" Ian asks pointing his head out the shower .

"Yeah but he's not going so I gave him a taser to play with. Don't worry it doesn't work" I say putting eyeliner on. "Who's Candace?" Debbie asks from the stairs again.

"I have no idea." Fi says before shifting her attention to Carl. "You aren't going Carl?" She asks.

"No it costs $27." He says while helping lip. Fiona digs in her pocket and hands Carl money."Awesome!" He says leaving.

"Thanks he really wanted to go he knows we are strapped." Lip says as we all leave the bathroom.

(Time skip)

"I was like girl you are not using my eyeliner if you have pink eye she was like well then you're not my friend anymore." Mandy says from beside me.

"Hmm?" I ask not hearing a thing she said. "You're not listening are you?" She asks hitting my arm.

"No sorry." I say

"What's wrong with you?" She asks as her and Ian look at me. "I slept with someone." I say.

"What?!" They both ask."Yeah." I say looking down. "Well Deets please who?" Mandy asks.

"I can't tell you sorry he's on the down low you know." I say feeling bad I wanna tell her but I can't."Wow." She says clearly annoyed I won't tell her as Ian just stares at me as I continue thinking about Mickey I don't know why but I cant get him off my mind.

(Time skip)

I'm at work giving a lady her change when the door opens I look up and make eye contact with Mickey. "Got any slim Jim's in the shit hole?" He asks.

The lady leaves and I get up to lock the door behind her "Yup in the back room." I say as we walk back.

After we finish I unlock the door for him and speak "so I guess this was like a booty call huh?" I ask. "Yeah whatever see you." He says walking away as I smile Mickey is such a asshole but I feel a way about him.

(Time skip)

"No you use me because it's the object of the preposition."  Mandy tells Ian as I start drawing on paper.

"So it's with Max and me?" He asks very confused. She nods."It sounds weird." He says as I start to zone out still drawing until I hear a door slam I look up and make eye contact with Mickey.

"Douche bags." He says walking to his room.

"Ass face." Mandy says back and I smile.

"Gotta go to the bathroom." I say putting my notebook down. "Hold the handle down when you flush." Mandy says as Ian grabs my notebook to look at what I was drawing.


"Hey do you want a pizza bagel?" She asks me and Ian. "Yeah sure." I say walking in his room.

(Time skip)

Mandy and Ian are playing a video game when I walk out "Took you long enough." She says still focused on the video game.

"Yeah your dad was in there forever." I say sitting down and grabbing my notebook to draw again when Mickey comes out.

"Shove over faggots." He says pushing me into Ian

He looks down at what I'm drawing and quickly looks away when I meet his eyes. He reaches over and grabs Ian's controller "Watch and learn." He says

(Time skip)

I'm awaken by the house shaking and I immediately sit up as it happens again and me and lip run out our room

"What the hell is that?!" Fiona asks running down the steps

"Dad what are you doing?" Fiona asks

"You fucking kidding me?" I ask seeing him destroy a wall with Carl and Debbie. "Remodeling son grab that copper wire it's worth a lot of money these days." Frank tells Carl.

"No dad stop." Fiona yellsz

"Why the fuck is our couch on the wall?" Lip asks from beside me. "There's a gas line right there." I say to Frank.

"Oh all right fine will start the demolition in the bathroom kids." Frank says to Debbie and Carl.

"last time he ripped up the floorboards remember?" I say looking at the wall.

"Shit." Fiona mumbles

"Said he was gonna put in the Saltillo tiles of course never did." Lip adds. "Yeah and I had to date that  flooring guy for a month to get him to finish the work." Fiona says as I rub my hand on my face.

"What are we gonna do?" Lip asks.

"We have to kill the turtle." We all turn to see Debbie on the steps. "Daddy and Carl are up in the attic to cut a hole in the roof for a skylight. It is time to kill the turtle." She says.

"Huh?" I ask not knowing what the hell she was talking about. "Uh deb's you know that you guys have a turtle on my story right?" Lip says to Debbie.

"Oh right."

"That's okay I get what you're saying."

Well I don't.

"Are you sure about this?" He asks her leaning on him. "It'll hurt less now than if we wait two more weeks."

"What's up with the turtle?" Fiona asks just as confused as me. "You two wouldn't understand." Debbie says looking at us both as we all head upstairs.

"Daddy help I think I see a mouse!" Debbie yells up."A mouse? hold on I'll be right down" Frank says.

"Wheres-" he gets cut of by me tazing him in the shoulder and he falls to the floor.

"I thought the Taser didn't work?" Fiona asks looking at me. "Yeah I just told Carl that. I took the batteries out" I say looking back down at frank.

"All right open his mouth." Lip says Grabbing a bottle of alcohol.

We open his mouth as he lays still on the floor yelling no over and over soon drowned out by the alcohol in his mouth."What happened?" Carl asks dropping his head down from the attic

"It's better this way Carl." Debbie says back up to him.

Ok I'm so sorry everyone that it took me long to update and that this chapter is so boring like I hate this chapter so much next chapter will for sure be better!

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