Spoiled (KamiTodo)

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The dual haired boy was confused but then complied since he agreed to spoil him. As he was putting it on the blonde looked at him intently which made the boy slightly nervous.

After he put it on it turned out to be a maid outfit that the Pikachu had bought before but had forgotten about.

(This is how it looks -///-)

The blonde looked extremely happy as he invited the other to sit next to him

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The blonde looked extremely happy as he invited the other to sit next to him. As the boy walked over the blonde pulled his hand to sit him down on his lap.

It was silent for a moment until the blonde stared deeply into the heterochromia eyes with determination. The dual haired boy could easily read him and knew what his next request would be.

"Todo... is it okay to go further?" The blonde looked at him with puppy dog eyes begging him desperately for him to agree.

The the dual haired boy sighed and then smiled as he gave in.

"I'm supposed to spoil you today... so sure."

"Then can I try something else." Todoroki nodded and Kaminari shifted him to the side as he went to get something underneath the bed.

The blonde took out a box and opened it to reveal some toys and a rope. The dual haired boy just looked at him as his body stiffened due to the sudden shock but then he nodded to ensure that he was okay with it.

The Pikachu smiled as he pushed the other onto the bed while grabbing a single rope from the box. He used it to tie the boy's two hands together in the front.

The blonde then shifted to kiss the other making sure to deepen it with each passing second to explore his mouth thoroughly.

He broke the kiss to gain some air as he saw his boyfriend beautiful panting in front of him. The blonde then kissed down the boy's neck leaving small marks as he removed the boy's underwear.

Then he stood up breaking off from the neck to spread the boy's legs. He went to grab a few more things from the box as the dual haired boy waited in place with anticipation.

The Pikachu returned with a blindfold placing onto the pair of heterochromia eyes. Todoroki's vision grew dark making him curious as to what was going to happen next.

The boy then felt something vibrate on his left bud through the fabric of the maid outfit. He was left making small sounds as the vibration got faster.

"Wh-what? what is mmh~"

All of a sudden the thing stopped and he could finally catch his breath. He felt the skirt lift up making him slightly embarrassed that he was being exposed.

"Kami what was th- AH~" The boy moaned loudly as he felt the vibrator enter his hole all of a sudden without warning.

"Sorry Todo but for today you must call me Master." The boy couldn't respond due to the overwhelming pleasure in his hole.

The vibrator kept getting pushed in deeper due to the blonde's finger.

"Kami plea-ah~ se slow ah~" The vibrating went faster when the boy said the other's name.

He then felt a small slap on his ass as the blonde continued to tease him.

"I told you to call me Master or else I'll continue to punish you~" The boy couldn't see the look on his boyfriend's face but he could tell that he was smirking with enjoyment.

"Pl-please Master mmh~" The boy finally felt slightly relieved since the other finally slowed down the vibrator.

But that was only momentarily until Kaminari began to push the vibrator again more deeply against his good spot.

The dual haired boy's moans filled the room as he felt himself get closer and closer to the edge. Then he finally reached his climax as his member released the pearly white liquid that accidentally stained the outfit he was wearing.

As he was about to apologize he felt the toy being pulled out making him let out another moan.

His boyfriend waited for him to calm down before continuing. The dual haired boy reassured him it was okay as the blonde opened a condom making sure to apply it correctly to not tear it.

He then slowly entered the boy's hole as they both felt each other's warmth of one another.

As he began to thrust Kaminari grabbed the vibrator again as he wrapped it around his boyfriend's member.

He turned it on to the lowest setting enjoying the other's moans from being pleasured from both sides of his lower body.

The blonde found the boy's prostate as he made sure to give it gentle kisses with the tip of his member. He made sure to take it more easy on the dual haired boy this time so he could still function well at school.

They both continued to enjoy each other's presence as the blonde felt lucky to see his boyfriend in this state. He took ahold of the dual haired boy and changed their position.

He then lifted the boy's leg to apply a kiss to the his inner thigh in between the dress and stockings.

Finally they both reached their climaxes as the blonde rested the boy's leg down and pulled out of his hole. He removed the condom and tied it before throwing it away.

He walked to the closet to get the both of them pajamas as he helped his boyfriend get dressed.

The Pikachu laid beside his boyfriend and wrapped his arm around him bringing him closer. He used him as his body pillow as he tried to sleep.

"So can you now study for finals?" The blonde stiffened and stayed silent to avoid the subject.

"Cmon Kami your grades are important."

"How about this I'll study and if I can at least get a passing grade on all my finals you have to do something or me." The dual haired boy nodded accepting his request as the Pikachu drifted off into sleep.

The dual haired boy cuddled into him and smiled.

"Geez you really are spoiled Kami-" The boy smiled as his eyes grew heavy and his voice began to lower.

"But that's not necessarily a bad thing... right Master."


I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot I don't really have much too say this time so here's an extra picture that fits this oneshot.

I hope you guys enjoyed this oneshot I don't really have much too say this time so here's an extra picture that fits this oneshot

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Anyways have a good rest of your day and I'll see you guys next time.
                                               - The KuudereSimp

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