Flame x Fem!Turtle

Start from the beginning

"Ack!" She cried. Turning around, her eyes widened as standing right behind her, was a tall Skywing with a scar running across his face. Flame, one of the most infamous students in JMA, most notably for his temper.

Though Turtle knew who he was, she hadn't actually come face-to-face with the Skywing yet, only ever seeing him from a distance. Now, up close, Turtle realized how intimidating Flame was. Though, with a tilt of her head, she saw that he was also quite handsome, even with the scar.

Wait, where did that come from?

"...uh, hello?" Blinking rapidly, Turtle realized Flame was talking to her. "I asked you what you were doing? Are you there?"

Blushing in embarrassment, Turtle answered. "Oh! Heh, sorry. I was distracted for a second there. Um, I was just trying to get a scroll," she explained.

Flame raised an eyebrow. "By jumping up and down like an idiot?"

Turtle huffed. "It's not my fault! The scroll's on the top shelf, I... can't reach it," she admitted.

Thinking he was just going to laugh at her, Flame surprised Turtle by moving over to the shelf, and reaching up.

"Well? Which scroll is it?" He asked impatiently.

"Huh? Oh, it's Scaly Potter," she said.

Turning back to the shelf, Flame looked for the scroll, easily grabbing it with a muscular arm once he found it.

"Here, short stack." Flame handed it over to Turtle, who mumbled a thanks before glaring at him.

"I'm not short!" She protested. Flame rolled his eyes, before walking away.

"Yeah, sure."

Growling in annoyance, Turtle went to leave, muttering under her breath about not being short.

"Turtle? Is that you? Have you found your scroll?" Starflight's voice drew her out of her thoughts.

"Yeah, I did Starflight. Thanks again!" She replied. Starflight smiled.

"Anytime. Come again!"

Leaving the library, Turtle went over to Qibli's cave, and placed the scroll down on his bed. As she headed back to her own cave, she found that her mind kept drifting back to Flame for some reason. For the rest of the day, all she could think about was the handsome scarred Skywing, his rough, deep voice, and the way his well-built muscles rippled with every movement. She knew she shouldn't be thinking this way, especially about Flame, but she couldn't help herself.

Unbeknownst to her, Flame was feeling the same way. The image of the pretty Seawing dragoness wouldn't leave his mind, no matter how hard he tried. The memory of her delicate, curved snout, her big, innocent eyes, and her adorable face when she blushed filled his thoughts constantly, and he didn't know why.

For the next few days after that, Turtle saw Flame a lot more. They didn't interact, but whenever she saw him, he was always gazing at her with a thoughtful expression on his face, before looking away quickly once he realized she caught him. Turtle tried to ignore it, but for some reason her heart always started to beat quicker when he was looking at her.

The next time Turtle came face-to-face with the Skywing was during a regular lunch time. She had decided to hunt for some food outside instead of in the prey center, stating that she wanted to stretch her wings. Kinkajou offered to come with her, but Turtle refused, wanting some alone time.

Flying off, Turtle headed to a nearby forest with a lake, craving for some fish. Diving in, she looked around in the water until she spotted a few, and eagerly swam over. Grabbing them before they could swim off, Turtle surfaced, ready for a fulfilling meal.

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