36. All Of Me

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"If you know how it works, then you should know I don't remember anything.....not even when it heppend." Stiles says, and he himself was surprised about how calm he is about all this.

"Then do you have any idea how we can find that person?" Issac asks, trying to calm his breathing, so he won't lose control.

"I have..... I'm going to ask Kyra about anyway to regain these kind of memories but if she couldn't tell me anything then....you can try...."

"But Stiles I can hurt you!" Issac exclaims, with big eyes. Stiles winces at his high voice.

"I know. I know. But I'm not going to do that right away. It's going to be our last resort, if we can't find another way." Stiles says.

Issac opens his mouth to protest but car came to a halt and both looked out of the window to see school. Stiles pulls out his earplugs and wears them before exiting the car with Issac. They said bye to Happy and walked towerd Peter, MJ and Ned.

"You're looking little pale Issac." Peter points as they started walking towerd school.

"School does that to me." Issac said, making them all laugh.

"Today we don't have to attend any class. We're going straight to library and only come out for lunch." MJ said, making Stiles smile.

They walked inside library and Stiles started to find a perfect place to become invisible. But his gaze fall on someone.

"Is Flash in our team too?" He asks, making them look at Flash sitting with his gang.

"Did I forgot to tell you about him." Peter says, looking guilty.

"He's on team becouse he thinks it's cool. He never actually participates, and if he does he never answers any question." Ned says, sitting on a table with Issac and Peter and Stiles sat with MJ behind theirs.

When they were having their conversation Flash too spotted them and ran towers Mr. Harington looking furious.

"Sir. What are these two doing here. They've been here only week, they can't join." Flash says, pointing at Stiles and Issac, who just ignored him, making him more red.

"They have good grades. That's all matters not how long they've been here." Mr. Harrington answers him calmly.

"But team have enough members and we should eliminate some, not let new ones join." He still tries.

"If we're doing this then you will be the first one to get kick out of this team Thompson." MJ said, not even looking up from her book.

Flash glares at her and looked at teacher, when he got not answer or reaction he walked away, sheathing. Stiles just rolls his eyes at his behaviour. Unfortunately Flash saw that.

Mr. Thompson gave all fifteen teens of the team one book regarding their quize and left for some time. All the kids groan when they saw the content inside the book. Stiles and Peter just smiles completely understanding everything. Issac and MJ have no reaction keeping their faces neutral. Ned looked in book with groan, he is expert in computers, not chemistry.

Flash didn't even bother to open his book and storms in Stiles's direction taking advantage of teachers absence.

"Who do you think you are Stilinski." Flash spats, slamming his hand in front of Stiles. Who didn't even looked at him already knowing he was approaching.

"Someone trying to study and minding his own business." Stiles said, calmly.

Isaac and Ned laughed but Peter looked worried. MJ will never admit but she's proud of Stiles's answer.

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