Chapter 2: Training

Start from the beginning

"Alright man, see ya tomorrow."

I quickly finish my shower, rinsing out the conditioner and remaking soap on my body. I've been dreaming about my bed all day.

Turning off the water I step out. Wrapping my towel around my waist I carry my toiletries back to my bag. Packing them away I grab my clothes and head back to the bathroom.

Once i'm all dressed I grab my stuff and make my way out the door. Turning the lights off and locking the door. The four of us are always the last ones here, coach doesn't stay this late or his wife will yell at him about missing dinner.


Closing my car door behind me I pull my keys out and walk up the steps to my home, a large brick townhome. Turning the key I open up the door, stepping inside, kicking it shut behind me and locking it. I kick off my shoes as I hear little feet running down the steps.

"Willow, baby." I say crouching down to meet the fluffy golden ball. Willow, is never not happy to see me, as I watch her little paws dance up and down.

"How are ya girl." I say rubbing her head as I walk past her into my kitchen.

Pulling out some leftover spaghettiand meatballs from the fridge, I spoon them into a bowl and pop it into the microwave. I make my way upstairs to put my stuff away, and head back downstairs as I hear the loud beep of the microwave.

You think with all they've invented, they would have found a way to make a microwave a little less loud. I can't begin to count how many times my heart stopped as a teen when I was sneaking food late at night and forgot to open the microwave before the timer went off.

Grabbing my food, I join Willow on the coach and turn the t.v on. Scrolling through trashy reality t.v shows and the news until I come upon the sports channel.

Willow lays her head on my lap, wanting me to pet her. Clicking the sports channel I put the remote down and run my hands through her soft fur. Some random hockey game is on tonight.

I finish up my dinner, turning the t.v off. Patting Willow to wake her up. I get up and wash my dish heading upstairs, Willow following right behind.

I brush my teeth, staring at myself in the mirror. I have a slight bruise on the side of face. Milo kicked my ass today. The four of us always give each other a good fight, we're all around the same level when it comes to fighting.

I finish up by washing my face, I pull my shirt over my head and pull the covers back. Sliding into bed Willow jumps up nuzzling herself as close as she can get. I stare up at the ceiling as I start to drift off to sleep.


The shrilling sound of my alarm going off pulls me out of a deep sleep. Without opening my eyes I slap around my bedside table until I find my phone. Tapping the screen over and over again until the beeping finally stops. I groan as I roll onto my back.

I am not a morning person.

I glance at my clock to see the bright numbers of 7:51 staring right at me. I finally swing my legs over the side and sit up. Walking to the bathroom, the cold tile hitting my feet. I rub my eyes and look in the mirror. My brown hair is sticking up all over the place. With a final sigh I start getting ready for training.

Hopping down the steps, and into the kitchen I grab my water bottle and a couple snacks. We'll end up grabbing a bite to eat at the deli a few blocks down from the gym.

Saying goodbye to Willow, I head to the gym. Kai and Lucas cars are already there when I pull up. Pulling open the door, the bell jingles as it shuts behind me

"Mornin." Luca says walking out from the locker room.

"Morning." I say as I place my stuff into my locker and pulling out my water and gloves. Walking back out I see Kai practically passed out on one of the mats.

"How long were you guys out for last night? I ask.

"To fucking long." Kai mumbles throwing an arm over his eyes.

"Oh my god, you should have seen him. He was drunk as fuck. Trying to dance on the tables kind of drunk." Luca says wiggling his eyebrows.

The bell above the door rings, as Milo enters.

"Morning sunshine." He says as he passes Kai, wiggling his fingers at him giving him a huge smile.

"Fuck off." Kai groans sitting up on his elbows.

I chuckle under my breathe as I put my gloves on. Time to get the day started.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~WORD COUNT: 1336

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Okay I'm reading this back after finishing up chapter 23 and I absolutely hate it so I will definitely be editing this one and the other first couple chapters later on

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