Lamentis: Planet Go Boom

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Hi everyone, welcome back. Does anyone have any guesses as to who one or both of Sigyn's biological parents are? Leave them in the comments down below. And I love seeing your reactions, so if there's a moment that you love or that takes you by surprise, let me know!

Staring down the barrel of her gun, Sigyn tries to assess the woman standing across from her. Judging by the way she's dressed she could be a Loki; it would mean that she was right about the Variant not looking like their version of Loki at least.

"Judging by the way your acting, I'm going to assume you're asking me that because you genuinely don't know and not because you're just trying to be rude. I'm Sylvie," says the woman coyly. "And I already know who you are, Sigyn Larsen. It's nice to see you again."

"Right. Again. So would you say the last time you met 'me' you wanted me dead or...?"

"I would say I've enjoyed a particularly close relationship with several of you."

Sigyn's eyes go wide, thinking about all of the possible meanings of Sylvie's words. Most of them are sexual of course but she doesn't really want to think of the specifics. "Right...very creepy." Sylvie's mouth quirks up into a smile at Sigyn's joke. Well, more of a half-joke really, it was a little bit creepy what she said. "Anyway, all I need to know is if I can trust you to get me out of here."

"Well, I'm certainly your best shot. But don't be fooled, love, I saw the Variant working with the TVA. How do I know you're not too?"

"I mean, I did just beat several of them up," says Sigyn, motioning to the two limp TVA agents behind her.

Sylvie crosses her arms. "And what if that was to gain my trust?"

Everything moves so quickly. Out of the corner of her eye, Sigyn spots something moving behind Sylvie.


A shot rings out through the air. Sylvie checks herself over before turning to see that Sigyn had shot a TVA agent. Sigyn lowers her weapon for the first time since seeing Sylvie. "Will you take that as a downpayment?"

The only response Sylvie gives is a smirk, but Sigyn immediately knows that means deal accepted.

As they move towards the elevator, the blood of the minuteman starts to spread all over the floor. Sigyn's killed people before, but not like this. Not 'outside' the law. It was always to protect other people, her family, friends, New York, or to protect the greater good but this, this was done in self-preservation. This was done so that she could escape. Sigyn thinks she finally understands what Natasha meant by having red in her ledger.


The elevator opens, pulling Sigyn out of her thoughts. The walls of this hallway are nicer than most of the TVA she's seen. The wood is a rich dark colour, and there are a few plants and benches along the way. "Why do I get a feeling we're not headed towards the exit?" Sigyn whispers, not wanting to alert any nearby guards.

The two walk into a small area with a large set of golden doors and two guards, Sigyn going for the one on the left and Sylvie for the one on the right. The guard Sylvie is fighting lunges for Sigyn with his baton, but luckily she has enough sense to dodge the hit.

The agent she's fighting isn't so lucky because Sigyn watches as the man disappears before her very eyes. If that's what they meant by being 'reset' then she's glad she chose to go with Hilda.

Oh, god, Hilda is going to be so pissed. Sigyn silently hopes that they never run into each other again.

Sylvie gives a roundhouse kick to the final guard, sending him flying into the wall. "Your hand-to-hand skills are a bit rusty."

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