F|San+Hongjoong|My Love

Start from the beginning

Once he finished, he detached his lips from his mothers chest. Indicating that he was now full, San wiped his mouth and his own chest before standing up and walking across the room. He placed Theo on the changing table across from their bed and grabbed a diaper. 

"Now let's see.." San unbuttoned his onesie and took it off him. Then he placed the piece of clothing in the hamper nearby before unstrapping the diaper sides. 

"Yup, you pooped." San chuckled, booping Theos small nose making him smile a little. "Alright, lets change it now." 

San then grabbed the wipes on the shelf and carefully did his job. Once he finished, he made sure Theo was all cleaned before lifting his legs up and placing the diaper under. 

He then grabbed the baby powder and shook it a little onto the diaper. After, he grabbed the straps and connected it. Finally, he grabbed a new onesie and put it on Theo. 

"There we go, all clean." San said while picking him up and placing him in his arms. He walked back towards his bed and sat down. 

"Now, I have to go get ready for today." He placed Theo down down on their queen sized bed and placed pillows near him. 

"I'll be back, hopefully your dad comes to get you while I'm in the bathroom." 

San placed a small kiss on his forehead before leaving into the closet. He grabbed a new t-shirt and some comfortable jeans before changing into them. Walking out of the closet, he checked on Taeyang before smiling seeing that he was fine. San then ruffled his messy hair a bit and headed into the bathroom, leaving the door open. 

He grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste, squeezing out some onto his toothbrush. He then began to brush his teeth while putting the toothpaste back into the cabinet. 

After he finished, he washed his mouth a bit and his toothbrush. Once he put it back in place, he grabbed some moisturizer and put a good amount on his hand. He then placed it on his face and gently rubbed it in. 

After San finished, he quickly combed his hair and exited the bathroom, while turning off the lights. 

"You fully awake now?" Hongjoong spoke out, Theo in his arms. 

San looked up and smiled, "Yeah, I am." 

"Good, here is your breakfast." Hongjoong pointed on the nightstand, motioning at the tray on it. 

San then sat down next to them and grabbed the tray. "Thanks hon." 

"Mhm." Hongjoong hummed in response. "What do you wanna do for your birthday?" 

"I don't know." San shrugged while stuffing his mouth with some fruits. "Wait-- don't you have work?" He then asked, looking at his husband confused.

"No, I took a day off to spend it with you and Taeyang. For your birthday, specifically." Hongjoong explained, a smile on his face at the last sentence. 

"Ah..Thank you." 

"Anything in mind yet? I know you don't wanna stay home all day." Hongjoong said with a grin. 

"Let's take a walk in the park? Maybe a picnic while watching the sunset?" San asked, now finished with his breakfast. 

"Okay. Sounds perfect." Hongjoong nodded at him. 


"Love, are you ready?" 

"Almost, I just need to get Yangies' baby bag." 

"Alright. We'll be waiting here." Hongjoong said, standing in the kitchen with Taeyang in his car seat which was on the counter. 

A few seconds later, San came out with Taeyangs bag in his arms. "Okay, we can go now." 

The older nodded and grabbed the car seat, along with the picnic basket. But San quickly took it away from him. 

"You're carrying him already, I'll carry this and get the stroller." 

Hongjoong sighed, knowing that the younger was stubborn and would not let him help carry it.  "Alright.." He muttered. 

The older unlocked and opened the car door, placing the car seat in its place before buckling it securely. San handed him the baby bag and he placed it down on the car floor. 

San then opened the trunk and grabbed the stroller. He placed it in and closed it shut, then made his way inside the car on the passenger side. 

"Okayy! Let's go." 


"Today has a nice weather, glad we decided to come out and walk." San spoke up as he pushed the stroller. 

"Mhm, let's go sit down? The sun will probably set soon." 


The couple turned into the park and went to go find an empty space that had a perfect view for the sun to set. It didn't take them long. 

Hongjoong neatly laid the picnic blanket down before grabbing the basket. 

"Take him out so he can lay down." Hongjoong said while taking the items out one by one.

San nodded before removing the blanket that covered the car seat and put it over his shoulder. He then unbuckled Taeyang out and placed him in his arms. 

Meanwhile, Hongjoong took out his blanket and laid it out on the picnic blanket. "Here, hand him to me." 

San walked over and put Taeyang in Hongjoongs arms before grabbing the baby bag and sat down. 

"Now we can all enjoy the view." 

"Happy birthday my love." 

"Thank you, Joong."


Helloooo! I hoped this oneshot was good for Sans birthday. Although finding out about him having COVID was a wreck to me.. 

I hope he has a safe and fast recovery. Wishing him a great birthday before the night ends. :(

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