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(This will be like when peaches got sprayed by a skunk but it will be peaches and brook) (also thank you to Imboredhi111 for this idea love you bub❤️❤️)(date: March 12, 2021)

Billie's POV:
I wake up to brook saying mama over the baby monitor so I get up and walk to her nursery. I open the door and turn on the light. "Good morning sweetheart" I say as I pick her up from her crib. "mmaammaa" she says as she puts the neck of my shirt in her mouth. "Don't eat my shirt you silly girl" I say as I place her down on her changing table. I take off her onesie and change her diaper and I had the smart idea to put one of my shirts on her. (Bad idea billie) i pick her up and walk to my room. I place brook on my bed and grab one of my Gucci shirts and put it on her. I take a picture of her and then I pick her up. I walk to the kitchen and place brook into her high chair. I see a note on the counter saying ~me and your mother are going to be out all day because we had some work we already feed shark and took him on a walk~ I smile and throw away the note. I take out brooks oatmeal and put it on her tray. She starts eating so I take out my coffee and drink that. After brook was done she was about to throw it on the floor but I catch it. I put her bowl in the sink and I give her a bottle. She takes it and starts drinking it. I get a text from Claudia asking if we could hang out and reply with sure what time. She text back saying around 12 and we can all hang outside and go in the pool or do whatever. I reply with sounds good and then I put my phone down. Once brook was done I take her bottle and put it in the sink. I take her out of her high chair and go to the living room. I place her down on her feet and she waddles to her toys. Sharks follows behind her making me laugh. I go to my room and change. I leave my room grabbing my phone. I go to brooks nursery and pack a few Waterproof diapers, her swimsuit, extra clothes, and more diapers, wipes, and binkys. I pick up the diaper bag and walk Out of her nursery.

(Skip to 10:45)
I go to get living room and I pick her up. "nu mmaammaa ark" "we can bring shark" I put brooks shoes on and I put my shoes on. I put sharks harness on and his Leash. I go out to the car and I buckle brook into her car seat. Shark jumps in the back and sits next to brooks car seat. I close her door and get in the drivers seat and start driving to Claudia's house. Once we got there I park and get out. I open brooks side and unbuckle her and take her out. Shark gets out follows Me. I knock on the door and The door opens and it was Claudia. "Hey bil oh hello shark" she says as shark runs in. "Come in" Claudia says as she moves. I step inside and Claudia closes the door. I put brook down and both shark and peaches run over to her and follow her as she crawls around. "Wow she has her own bodyguards" Claudia says making me laugh. "Yea" I hear footsteps and then I hear brook squealing excitement. "Hi tiny" finneas says as he picks brook up. "Billie really a Gucci shirt" "what it's looks nice on her and plus it's my shirt so it's fine" "but what if she gets it dirty" "it's fine, she's a baby" "ok subject change, it's nice outside so we can go in the pool or chill outside" "sounds like a great idea" we all go outside and I take brook from finneas.

Brooks POV:
Mama takes me from Finn and sits down. "Do you want to go into the pool" "bil did you bring a swimsuit" "umm damn it I didn't" "it's fine I can go in the pool and you and Claudia can talk" "ok thank you" Finn gets up and walks into the house and mama takes off my shirt and changed my diaper. She puts what she calls a swimsuit on me. "Aww she's so cute in her little swimsuit" "yea she's just a little cutie" mama says attacking my face with kisses making me giggle. I push her face away and kick my legs. "You silly girl" mama says tickling my tummy making me giggle. I grab her fingers making mama laugh. "Ok I'm back let me have tiny" mama passes me to Finn. "Really Billie a bikini" "what she looks cute" "she's 1 and half" "so she's my kid" "whatever" Finn carry's me as we go in the pool. I squeal as the water was cold and I move closer to Finn. Mama and Claudia was talking about something but I could hear them. Mamas face looked sad, angry, and worried at the same time. Finn puts me on a floaty and I sit on it. I try to stand up but I fall and Finn catches me. I giggle and Finn let's out a deep breath.

(Time Skip to when brook is out of the pool and is back in the Gucci shirt and a new diaper and finneas billie and Claudia are taking while brook was playing in the grass with peaches and shark but peaches hears a noise)
Billie's POV:
We were taking when brook starts screaming crying and shark and peaches comes running to us. We all get up and I run over to brook. "They smell like a skunk" finneas says and I get a wif of brook and she smelt like skunk. "They got sprayed" "oh shit" I say as I pick up brook holing her away from me and I walk to the patio where peaches and shark was. I take off brooks shirt and Claudia passes me gloves. She gives me something that will apparently help with the smell. She sprays brook with the hose and then I rub some of the stuff Claudia have me on her body. She whines and moves as she doesn't like the touch of the gloves on her skin. "Billie how are you not affected by the smell" "I have to change this one's diapers and not to long ago she had a stomach bug so I have smelt worse" "a stomach bug that sucks" "yea poor baby kept throwing up" I say as I spray brook with the hose again.
Ok to wrap this up basically after they got the dogs and brook washed and everything billie when home and have brook and shark a bath and don't worry no one got sick and it's all good.

Sorry I rushed but ❤️bye loves❤️
1194 words

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