Dare 5:

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@Mlpfan07 dares Smolder to take the others to the dragon lands to introduce them to her old dragon buddies and her brother

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@Mlpfan07 dares Smolder to take the others to the dragon lands to introduce them to her old dragon buddies and her brother.

(Important notice: The other dragons judge Garble for writing poetry but the fact that he's stronger and scarier and that the dragon lord Ember respects him for his interests they keep that to themselves and doesn't make fun of him. Garble doesn't make fun of Spike anymore and is more open about his poetry but doesn't share it to just anyone, he will only share it with Smolder, Spike, dragon lord Ember and anyone in Smolder's trust.)

Ocellus once again reads the dare out loud for everyone.

Smolder cheers.
"Woohoo! I wanted to fight a dragon after that embarrassing stunt that happened so this is perfect! Plus I really miss my brother and I'm sure he misses me too."

"Aww, that's so sweeet!"
Silverstream sings while cupping her cheeks.
"This is gonna be AWESOME!"
She says excitedly and does a couple of flips in the air.

"Heh, yeah it is pretty sweet, isn't?"
Smolder says proudly, being somehow cocky about it.

"Well? What friends waiting for? LET'S GO!"
Yona says excitedly.

They all happily run/fly to the train to go to the dragon lands.

The young 6 are now in the train as it's rolling. The isn't a stop to the dragon lands but they took the train to get closer to it so the walk there wouldn't be as long as it's supposed to be, especially sense not all of them can fly.

Yona and Sandbar were talking to each other, so was Ocellus and Silverstream. Smolder was excited to go back home and she looks at her friends and notices that Gallus was quiet and looking out the window. She flys over to him and sits in front of him.
"What's up, Gallus? Why are you so quiet?"
She asks.

Gallus looks at his dragon friend.
"No reason, just wondering... How rude are dragons usually? I'm just curious with how they are compared to griffins."
He responds while leaning back at his seat.

"Ohhh, you don't want it to be similar to Griffonstone cause you hate it there?"
Smolder says while tilting her head.

Gallus crosses his arms and rolls his eyes.
"I just have.. bad memories there. Ponyville is nothing like it and it helps me forget, I just hope the dragon lands doesn't remind me of my stupid city."

Smolder gets quiet for a bit then speaks up.
"If you feel uncomfortable you can let me know, I'll help you out."
She says with a smirk.

Gallus shakes his head no.
"No way! The other dragons are gonna laugh at me for being too "sensitive". I'm not sensitive!"
He says, getting frustrated already.

"Well-, you are kind of a softy."
Smolder teases then chuckles.
"But I'll make sure the other dragons don't know that, you already make yourself seem tough so it won't be hard."

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