thirteen | "technoblade please don't get me fired, i have bills to pay"

Start from the beginning

"I think I'm going to take my brother home, since he made a poor choice by coming to work," Techno interrupted. "Excuse the fact that I was talking to him out of concern from his near passing-out."

"Technoblade, please weigh your words carefully. I can't afford to lose my job," Wilbur said through his teeth.

"I'm weighing my words exactly how I intend," Techno said confidently. "No, sir, please take your insensitive words back before I shove them right up your stiff, sorry ass. I would like to take my ill brother home."

"Wilbur, please tell your brother to leave," the manager said tightly. "We don't tolerate these sorts of words in a professional workplace."

"This place is the equivalent of a fucking McDonald's. You cannot possibly expect to tell me this is a professional workplace," Techno snarled, grabbing Wilbur's wrist. "And he quits!"

"What? No, no, I don't, I swear! It's a sick day! I'll be back tomorrow!" Wilbur called as his brother dragged him out of the door.

Wilbur pulled out of Techno's grip haughtily. He suddenly felt like crying, with no idea why, just that he was spiraling. "What- what was that for?" His heart rate was a easily rising as the feeling of tears continued to build.

"You clearly feel like shit," Techno stated. "And you still don't own any pads or tampons or anything."

Wilbur exhaled sharply, rubbing his face. He took a few long, slow breaths. "I know. I'm just... trying to ignore it."

Before Technoblade could even respond, Wilbur's mind decided it wanted to play that little trick where it reminded him of his biological function as- like- a birth giver.

Imagine being pregnant. Getting bloated and soft-faced, so clearly a woman doing what she was born to do.

Guess who could never be a dad. You don't have the balls. Literally.

I could never get pregnant if I don't have any partners, Wilbur told himself

The lizards. The lizards that reproduce without a male. You could be that. Imagine the headline: "Local Woman the First to Ever Get Pregnant on Her Own"!

Wilbur wrung his fingernails across his forearm. He was sure Techno had begun to speak by now, but he was too distracted to listen. The white scratches quickly turned an irritated red, then the skin tore as he continued to claw away.

And you'd be so happy because your period would be gone.

His hand was firmly gripped, pulling it away from his scathed arm. Wilbur looked up from the red lines to see his brother quietly mumbling words that Wilbur couldn't quite make out. He tried to pull his wrist back again, but was held fast by his stronger twin's hand.

"Wil?" Techno asked softly. "Was it something I said?"

Wilbur shook his head. "N- it was a v-valid concern."

"But did it bother you?"

"What doesn't?" Wilbur blurted back. His free hand began to tear away at his other arm. "Techno, help me, I want to hurt myself really, really badly."

"You've never done that before, have you?" Techno confirmed, voice still soft.

"N-no." Wilbur bit his lip. "But I want to, and I can't- I can't-"

"I know." Techno wrapped his arms around the taller. "I know. Let's get out of here, okay? I don't think the smell or the people are helping."

As the two slowly began to trudge back, Wilbur found a question that had him unsettled and guilty. "I'm not triggering you, am I?" he said quickly, remembering those same scars he never mentioned.

Techno hesitated. "I-I dunno. Doesn't matter."

"Yes, it does. I can call Tommy or Phil or somebody. I'm fine, if you aren't."

"That's not how it works," Techno replied. "You're still not okay, and that's fine. I'll ask if Dad can come over. He knows how to help."

Wilbur let it mull in his mind for a moment before dismissing any apprehension. Phil was something, but he was really good at helping with self-control or something. Wilbur had never told Tommy, but he'd heard snippets of his conversations with Techno in the bathroom, trying to keep him from hurting himself.

"Okay. Let's give him a call."


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