chapter eight ━ the forgotten

Start from the beginning

    Instantly, her mother is up and walking over to her, and Reine doesn't hesitate to run and jump into her arms. Bucky watches them from the ground, heaving.

    "Why are you still awake?" she asked soothingly, and Reine tucked her head into her mother's shoulder. Marina turns away so that she is facing Bucky and Reine is looking at the wall. The woman looks down to the man on the floor, and he peers up at her with pleading eyes.

    A million apologies run through him, Marina can see it plain on his face. A hundred sorry's. A thousand forgive me's. Marina nods, and Bucky blows out a breath.

    Reine is carried out of the room, waving goodbye to Bucky as they leave. He slowly waves back.

    It goes on like that for three more months.

    Reine is pulled back to the present as her step-father's voice rings out through the silent ship.

    "Let's take the shield, Sam." Reine looks up, her eyes narrowing across the room. Bucky looks over to her, his face like hardened stone. Reine meets his gaze firmly, her arms around her knees, and Bucky purses his lips. There's a flash of something in his eyes, but Reine is too distracted to try and figure out what it means.

    Sam sits up instantly, his eyes trained on Bucky, who sits forward with his elbows and his knees, jaw clenched tightly.

    "Let's take the shield and do this ourselves." Bucky continues, turning back to the ground. Reine is frozen in place. Her lips quiver.

    "We can't just run up on the man, beat him up, and take it." Sam argues.

    "Why not?" Reine mumbles under her breath, but only Bucky is able to hear her, his heightened senses picking up on the hint of sarcasm laced between her words.

    "Do you remember what happened the last time we stole it?" Sam asks, and his head swivels towards Reine.

    "Maybe." Bucky says, his voice hoarse.

    "I'll help you in case you forgot." Sam answers softly. "Sharon was branded enemy of the state, Steve and I were on the run for two years, and you had to leave Marina and Reine." the girl in question stiffens, biting down onto her tongue. Bucky's numb look turns into a glare.

    "I don't know about you." Sam continues. "But I don't wanna live the rest of my life la vida loca, and I don't think she wants to either." Sam points to Reine, and Bucky passes his gaze over her young face. Reine's eyes are hard to keep hold of, and her usual spark of mischief has died out.

    Everything that once made her the fun, alarming little girl, it's all gone.

    "We just got our ass handed to us by Super Soldiers," Sam says. "We found out that Reine is one of 'em, and we got nothing." Reine nods her head slowly, clenching her fists.

    A super soldier. The girl rests her head against the wall, looking up to the ceiling. She's a super soldier. It makes sense, it explains why she's always been the way she is, but that doesn't make it any less shocking, any less heartbreaking.

    How? How is it possible? Then, the more terrifying question. Did Mama know?

    "Not entirely true." Bucky's voice is barely a whisper, but it's enough to make the air leave Reine's lungs. Sam looks over to the girl, and they share the same confusion on their faces.

    After a moment, Bucky looks up again, getting himself up from the box he sits upon. Reine stares up as well. Bucky walks forward, looking at Reine. She crosses her arms, wanting nothing more than to tuck her entire body into the folds of her hoodie.

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