56. Composed: Epilogue

Start from the beginning

Shrugging off the thought I decided to engage myself in projects, meetings and future planning, which gladly distracted me from the mental mess. As it was time for me to fetch Junghyun I left the office and drove to the destination. There he stood but with a sad pout kicking the stones on the ground.

I parked the car and walked to him but haulted when I saw his cheeks stained with dry tears."Hey, Junghyun-ah, who did this to you? Tell me and trust me I would regret messing with you."

"No one did... " I cupped his face and looked at him with adoption. "Then why you sad?"

"Bec... Because I want a sister." My eyes widened and breath hitched. I could clearly feel my heart skipping beats and cold sweats forming on the forehead just because he asked me for a sibling. " I saw Taeyong's sister... Appa.. I also want one." He again welled up and cried out loudly. I immediately picked him up to not let him attract further attention and shoved him inside the car. I ignited the car and the only thing I told him during the drive was ' depends on your eomma.'

But little did I knew he took it serious and when I parked the car he ran inside the mansion only to hug Y/N tightly.

"Eomma! I want a sibling." Y/N choked and placed him beside while glaring me and since I was shocked too I was dumbfounded hence I avoided her gaze while rubbing my nape.

"Who gave you this idea?" She looked back to him. "Noone. I saw my friend's sister and discovered there was no one to play with me."

"But we are there for you. We could play with you and don't you know having a sibling means you'll be promoted and get less affection?"

"I don't care. I'll love her more because you both are busy in your work and don't spare me some time of yours. And I'm sure even if you'll love me less but she'll love me more." He beamed with innocent happiness."Why do you think so?"

"Because I will be her oppa and love her just like uncle Jimin. Do I deserve one, eomma? " He stood and looked at me with his doe eyes which dripped pure hypnotising innocence.

"Ugh... Fine but only after an year."

"Yeah, I'm gonna be a brother." He giggled then went upstairs to change his clothes while a sudden awkwardness took place when I turned around to face Jungkook. I knew we both were embarrassed and for sure neither of us wanted to say anything to make this moment more awkward.

Dinner was set up and after eating she accompanied Junghyun until he drifted to slumber. After doing so she came to the bedroom while I was on the laptop typing keyboard.

"So what you wanted to talk about in the morning?" She came and sat beside me while I closed and putted the laptop on the beside table. " How we actually met? You did notified me about you being my first but how? "

I chuckled. " That's it? I thought we had a serious issue to discuss about.."

"Yah! I am serious. No matter how much I try that night is still blurry in my mind." I sighed and hugged her. "Then don't force yourself. Live the present and leave the past." She parts and looks at me with her intimidating gaze. "But I need to know."

After several plead I agreed. " Fine but you'll be cringed... Promise me you won't ditch me because my past doesn't define what I am today." She smiled and said, "I promise. I'm okay with anything until I get to know."

Surprisingly her mesmerizing eyes looked too beautiful in the moonlight, thus, I slammed my lips on her. She gasped but before she could say further I slid my tongue in and roamed it in ever corner. When I saw her struggling for air I parted then connected our foreheads, letting our heart to beat.

"I was obsessed with you. I stalked you and till now there's no drug for me other than you, you're my addiction."

She pushed herself back." And for that I wanted to kill you. If you weren't a nice person,some cocky lowkey bad person then I would have killed you.... Are you sure you're not on drugs because you seem to talk so cri- I mean so unusual."

"Because it's true. The day I saw you was like any other girl I used to hook up with but then when I felt your love, I craved for more, very badly. And that was the day I decided to make you only mine."

I leaned in kiss her but she stopped me." Not today, I'm tired." I chuckled then whispered,"Don't you want to give Junghyun a sibling? " A tint got spread on her cheeks when she remembered his wish. "Woah, no! I said one year not that we'll do it today."

"Better now then later." I smirked and pinned her down. I pushed my lips on her, hard as I removed her dress. I closed my eyes, feeling her. My breathing becomes heavy. I can't get enough as I feel her wet kisses going down my body. Her touch always makes me insane. It makes me lose myself. It makes me so needy, so messed up that I want all of her, all of this. I want everything. It was so much torture, so much pleasure that I didn't wanted us to stop. I wanted to feel her forever.

Her body tightly pressed on mine, her kisses, the speed, the pain, the pleasure... I feel so lost somewhere in the sky between heaven and hell. After making love I cuddled her. She said,"I love you." I pecked her but before drifting off to slumber along with her I confessed my love to her.

"I love you too, Y/N. After all, love is composed of single soul inhibiting two bodies."


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