Dabi frowned more. Seeing the hurt in her eyes as she looked at him with unshed tears sent even more pain to his chest.

"I would never use you!"

"Don't lie to me!! I heard you! I heard what you all said! How you took me so that I can make a dent in his career. How you got close so I'd tell you everything. I heard your friends say it all!!"

"Exactly you heard my friends say it! And they're not even my friends!" Dabi denied because it was true. They were simply a means to an end.

"You didn't deny it either! How dumb do you think I am?! You were there! You hurt my friends! You hurt Shoto, you kidnapped Bakugou! You kidnapped me!!"

"I wasn't going to hurt you."

"Stop lying to me! Please...stop lying!" Her voice lowered at the end and the tears began.

No...no don't cry....

"Asami-" Dabi stepped forward trying to pull Asami into his arms but she pushed him away. Sobbing loudly and breaking his heart.

"No! I TRUSTED YOU! I trusted you with my life! I thought I could count on you when I'm scared. I thought you'd be one to light a flame in the dark when I'm lost! I thought you'd defend me! That's why I gave you the name Yori! But I get it now... I get it." She cried and Dabi felt like shit.

His heart was racing. His mind was running with many bad things and all of them lead to one conclusion. A conclusion he didn't want.

"No...no you don't. You don't get it. I promised you I'd never harm you. And I promise you. Nor am I lying to you." He pleaded face twisting with emotions he hadn't felt in years.

"Then tell me who you are. Give me your name. Your real name." She looked him in his eyes. But she knew...they both knew, that he won't say it.

"I...can't..." he whispered hurting and burning inside as he watched Asami's eyes dull further as she looked at him. "Not yet."

"You can't huh...?" She nodded sniffling and wiping away her tears but more fell "Then this is goodbye. Because I can't do this. I won't if after all this time, you refuse to just give me a name..."

"No! No, snowflake please...don't do this." Now his chest was being squeezed painfully by a strong invisible force.

"You're giving me no choice... until you can tell me the truth. The full truth. Don't talk to me. Don't act like you know me, because I will act like I don't know you. And if you ever appear before me with intent to kill...I shall react accordingly..." He hated this.

He hated the pain in her voice, the hurt in her eyes. He hated what he knew was coming. He hated it all! Yet he knew...he is the one to blame.

"No, no, no! Please snowflake please, please. You have to trust me. I just need time I'll give you your answers. I'll tell you everything but please just wait a little long for me, please!"

Trust in me! Please! They meant something. I swear to you they did! His eyes and mind screamed the words he could not.

"Three years was enough time..." She hesitated but she hugged him and she held him tight shooting ice through his body to cool him off one last time. Then she let go. Asami turned walking out of the ally. She paused at the entrance shadows cast over her eyes as she sighed one last time glancing back at him.

"Bye...Dabi." Then she left. Leaving Dabi standing there in the dark.

Dabi dropped to his knees trembling in pain, shock and hurt. The world around him blurred as he focused on the retreating figure of the only thing in the world he thought worth living for.

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