5 | The Banishment

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"Yes," Odin said gravely, looking down, away from his son. "I was a fool to think you were ready."

Loki stepped forward to intervene. "Father," he tried to reason. But Odin just dismissed him with an aggressive shout, making him take a step back.

I looked up at the king in fear. His face was contorted with a mixture of sadness, anger and defeat. As he looked up at his son, I held my breath in anticipation of what he was going to say next.

"Thor Odinson," he started in an eerily grave tone. "You have betrayed the express command of your king." Thor looked up at his father in confusion. "Through your arrogance and stupidity, you've opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war!"

He lifted the Bifrost sword and slammed it back into the ground, twisting it to create large streaks of lightning that flicked across the room.

He stepped down to Thor's level. "You are unworthy of these realms!" He exclaimed, ripping off pieces of Thor's armour, much to my shock. "You're unworthy of your title." He ripped Thor's red cape from his back. "You're unworthy of the loved ones you have betrayed."

Thor bowed his head, refusing to meet his father's disdainful eyes as he stripped him of his powers.

There was a brief silence, as Odin stared down at his misguided, power hungry son. I glanced up at Loki, who had remained awfully quiet since Odin had turned on him. He was staring forlornly at his brother, with an unreadable expression, as he watched Odin's outburst.

Odin stepped back up on the pedestal and held out a hand to Thor. "I now take from you, your power," he declared as he summoned Mjolner to him. "In the name of my father." Thor's right sleeve of armour began to fall off. "And his father before." The other sleeve reciprocated. "I, Odin, Allfather, cast you out!"

I watched in horror as Odin sent Thor flying, in a heap, through the window and into the Bifrost, where he disappeared from view. Loki ran towards the bright, rainbow window, looking out for signs of his brother. I reflexively stepped forward as Odin held the hammer up to his mouth and whispered inaudibly, before throwing it out after his banished son.

I watched in shock, as Odin marched down from the pedestal and left the room, without addressing Loki or I. I looked over at the prince who had his back to me, staring out the window where his brother had just been cast out.

I sighed, turning to face the door, where Odin had just exited. I could tell that Loki did not want to talk, and the shock I felt was only just starting to wear off, so I headed outside to where Heimdall was standing, watching Odin stomp back to the palace.

I stopped beside Heimdall, but did not say anything. I had nothing to say. I could tell he was disappointed in me and I could not deny the fact that I was in the wrong, so I kept quiet.

Heimdall looked down at me, analysing my expression. "Are you okay?" he asked in concern.

I turned to face him, nodding slightly. "Yeah," I sighed, turning back to face the retreating king. "Do you think he was a bit harsh on Thor?"

Heimdall sighed deeply. "He wants his son to be great, but he forgets that Thor is not as wise as him, yet. He is young and proud and yearning for the chance to defend Asgard. He does not yet understand the benevolent side to being a leader."

I nodded, understanding Heimdall's words. Suddenly, Loki exited the Bifrost and started walking towards the palace, ignoring Heimdall and I. He tucked his dagger into his belt, which made me realise that I still had one of them. I looked down to see the elegant weapon in my belt, hanging at my hip. I quickly unsheathed it and turned to Heimdall. "Gotta go. Bye."

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