Chapter Four

Beginne am Anfang

Calix shoots out of the warm comforts of the bed, grimacing immediately as his teeth gnash together to contain his need to scream due to the gut wrenching pain he was in from the sudden and quick movements. That shit hurt so bad, it made the young boys eyes sting from the tears he refused to let fall.

Calix never cried.

What was more important to the volatile boy was finding answers and seeing if what he thought happened, actually happened. He walks, more like limps, over to the door and throws it open. He didn't bother to turn the lights on because it was useless, what good was it to see what the fucking room looked like; Calix didn't give a damn, what he did give a damn about was finding him.

Calix takes the path down the hall to the brightly lit open space containing the living room where Lev sits upright with the wooden tray holding the two pills and a glass of water sitting on the coffee table. Lev had brought the tray over to the coffee table almost five minutes ago after hearing rustling going on in the guest bedroom.

It wasn't that the walls were thin in Lev's apartment, quite the contrary actually, but Lev was naturally a very alert person and his ears were almost at canine level so he just knew the temperamental boy was awake. Confirming his thoughts, Calix glares immediately at the bigger man who sits on the grey couch with his thick thighs spread open and his eyes patiently trained one the standing boy who unconsciously clutched his right side; where his wound was.

Calix tried to look menacing, key word being 'tried,' but all Calix's glare did was make Lev try to bite down the chuckle he wanted to release. He looked like an angry puppy, it was cute and that thought alone made Lev shake his head.

"Why the fuck am I here?!" The smaller boy barks out. "Why the hell did you bring me here??"

Lev points at the younger boys injured abdomen, the one the younger boy is clutching onto with his hands for dear life.

"You got hurt so I took care of it." Lev answered simply.

The way Lev answered his questions so calmly, so simply irritated Calix's entire being and he narrowed his eyes at the big fucker sitting on the couch with this calm and patient demeanor that had this magnetic effect of riling Calix up like it was a natural cause and effect reaction for him.

"Why the fuck —" Calix cuts himself off and shakes his head as he scoffs. "You gay bastard, you probably got some sick fucking thrill in seeing me naked didn't you? Don't think I didn't notice how your gay ass was handling me outside!"

Lev almost chortled; actually, he did despite how hard he tried to keep his laughter in. He had no idea where this kid got that from but he was thoroughly amused, the older man's amusement, however, only served to piss Calix off.

"Gay bastard—"

"As nice as that nickname sounds, the name is Lev Sanders." Lev quips, standing up as he takes the tray into his hands.

"I don't give a fuck what your name is!" Calix scowls as he eyes the older man who advances towards him. "Did you get some kind of weird ass kick taking my clothes off in my sleep?"

Lev finally stops right in front of Calix who wavers slightly in his angry stare but his glare never falters as he embarrassingly has to look up at the older man due to him being significantly shorter than him. Calix was mad that he had to be five foot seven inches in comparison to this man who was well over six foot tall, not to mention this assholes build was overwhelming.

The younger boy was not an idiot, he knew if it came to him being in a fight with the taller, older and bigger man that he would lose without fail. That alone would make most people shut the fuck up, get quiet, and try not to anger the massive tiger that is Lev Sanders but Calix was—well, Calix was clearly a different 'breed.' He knew he was poking the bear, playing in treacherous waters, and balancing on the brink of life and death, but he simply didn't give a fuck.

"Did your dick get hard —"

"And what if it did." Lev's deep baritone voice traveled through Calix's ears and made his throat dry up as he reclined. The younger boys stance began to waver as his Adam's apple began to bob within his throat.

"What if I enjoyed looking at you naked and seeing you sleeping defenselessly made my dick swell so bad that I considered —" Lev comes even closer to the boy who begins to feel suffocated as the air around him seems to get that much hotter around him. Lev's lips touches the top of Calix's ears, his breath tickling Calix's ears as he involuntarily licks his lips. " — touching you."

Calix feels his anger diminish almost instantaneously, in its place, another emotion began to sprout as body grew hot much like the warmth blossoming on his cheeks. He couldn't form words to say, his brain was blanking and it was hard to breath with the way Lev's breath was still fanning across his ears that were more sensitive than Calix had ever anticipated.

This shit was was, Calix wanted to push Lev away but before he could muster up enough strength to do so, Lev was backing away from the dazed before who he successfully managed to shut up. The smirk on Lev's face couldn't be helped, Calix wanted to get irritated, he wanted to wipe the smug look off his face but he was still trying to comprehend what just happened.

Meanwhile, Lev was feeling both triumphant and intrigued seeing the boys face. This was an expression Lev has never seen the boy wear but something stirring inside Lev had him developing a burning desire to see this awestruck, defenseless, submissive expression on his face that made Lev swallow.

His eyes traveled over to the boys neck, with his Adam's Apple prominently bulging and bobbing and the older man began to feel like fingers twitch as he was itching to — no. Lev shakes his head. He forced his thoughts down, he didn't know where they were coming from but Calix brought them out of him and it took everything in him to bury it.

Note: not edited.

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