Chapter 10: I Plan To Marry Rich

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10. I Plan To Marry Rich

Monday couldn't have come around sooner than it did. The days taunted me I swear, lagging during the week and flying by during the weekend.

"Leslie you're going to be late again!" mom yelled.

"What's the big deal when we can just hang out again?" I chuckled, walking into the kitchen.

My father was leaning against the counter with an eyebrow raised.

I looked at my mom. "He wasn't supposed to know that was he?"

He shook his head. "I won't even question you two anymore."

My mom only chuckled and kissed his cheek. A small smile found its way to his lips and I stared at them with a smile of my own. Knowing the universe I'll probably never find that.

"Come on," mom said. "Shane?"

"Finally," my little brother groaned, hopping off the island. "We always wait ages for you."

"We always wait ages for you," I mimicked, knowing it annoyed him when I did that.

"Stop that."

"Stop that," I laughed.


"Leslie, stop bothering your brother."

I only laughed, messing up his hair.


"It's okay mate, we can fix it," my dad chuckled, neatening the mop of brown hair on Shane's head.

"I promise I'm done," I laughed.

I loved my brother, but we also bickered more than anything. Annoying an eight-year-old was fun, what can I say?

I kissed my dad goodbye and followed my mother and brother. Like always, we dropped Shane off before mom took me to school.

"I need you to take the bus and pick Shane up today," my mother told me once I stepped out of her car. "I signed him up for karate lessons so he'll be there later than he usually is."

I nodded. "Okay."

That was fine by me. My parents still didn't know I was getting tutored in math and for the meantime I wanted to keep it that way. I could just pick Shane up afterwards.

"Don't forget," she warned.

"Have some faith in me mother," I smirked. "Bye."

She waved goodbye and drove off, and I made my way inside the building. I met Val at her locker like I usually did most mornings.

"Hey," I said, and then noticed the scowl on her face. "You look annoyed."

"Blame it on my mom's mood swings," she muttered. "My dad says it's pregnancy hormones. I wish she'd just pop the damn thing out already, she's driving me insane."

I don't blame her for feeling that way. I've been in the crossfire of one of their arguments before and it wasn't pretty. It mostly consisted of them yelling in Spanish but the yelling was enough to know it was bad. My aunt Jess, Valeria's mother, was due in a few months, and I could tell Val wasn't happy about not being an only child anymore.

"Wanna talk about it?" I offered, but she shook her head.

"No, enough about my home issues," she sighed. "There's a sight to talk about instead."

I followed her gaze across the hallway, where Chase was talking amicably with Jules.

"Is that something we're going to have to get used to?" I asked, stopping myself from rolling my eyes.

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