Chapter 18: Puppet.

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I've refused to see Marcus after that day. Since then, two weeks have past and I have been integrated into the guard. Seeing as my gift is neurological, Aro has been helping me strengthen and control it—I mean...who else can verify my work if not a vampire that can actually see it? Now, I am training with the others for hand-to-hand combat—Corin obviously excited to give me another go after our last 'match'.

"Hit me with your best shot, Carena!" Corin grins.

"Absolutely not! I think you've forgotten that I am still a newborn." I chuckle, getting ready.

"Meh, we'll see what happens—but no holding back!" She calls, and I just shrug.

"Okay..." I flit towards her, making a swift kick to her side. Corin immediately goes flying across the court but manages to find her landing.

"Go Carena!" Felix cheers from the crowd of guards.

I wave back at him with a smile. Felix and I had a heart to heart after the ordeal. He understands my inner conflict, and doesn't hold any grudges—however, he has taken it upon himself to crack a few jokes about me being a turn on, and I really can't escape the embarrassment. In the end, I think what Marcus had done only made Felix and I closer, and I know that he isn't very happy about it, but I couldn't care less. He can sulk with Didyme.

"Okay! Maybe turn it down a notch." Corin pinches her fingers together with a squint.

I laugh, before charging for her again. "Told ya!" Corin readies for my next move, but I immediately sweep her feet. Corin uses the momentum of her fall and turns it into a back flip, easily avoiding me. Corin then lunges towards me, throwing punches and kicks, but I manage to block and dodge each one...that is until I see an unwanted face across the courtyard. Corin takes advantage of my momentary distraction and kicks me—sending me flying towards the cluster of guards. I expect to taste concrete but am surprised to be in the arms of someone.

"Woah, remember not to let your guard down." Demetri tsks, helping me back to my feet.

"Ah...sorry." I say bashfully, glancing back to the source of my loss.

"You're a wonderful fighter."

"I don't need your compliments." I click my tongue but am quickly forced to my knees by Demetri.

"Mistress Didyme. Is there something that you needed?" Demetri asks, while still forcing me to kneel.

"Oh, no...I just wanted to watch. The kings are in court...and my sisters are busy with their own hobbies. I just wanted to take a look around—see what I have missed." She speaks gently.

"If you wish to wander, I can provide a guard to escort you, Mistress." Demetri continues.

"Is that so? Then give me Carena."

My head shoots up in surprise, but I am not the only one...seems like every guard here—including Jane is taken aback by this request. "Carena? I'm afraid she is not suitable—" Demetri starts to politely object, but Didyme's face sterns.

"I want Carena." She says more firmly—no longer a kind and innocent request...but an order from a Queen.

Demetri glances to me, and I sigh with defeat. "Of course, Mistress Didyme." I say, getting up to my feet. "Where do you wish to go?"

Didyme smiles brightly at me, but I know a snake when I see one.

We walk along the corridor, up until we meet a door. Marcus' bedroom door. I gulp with the thought that Didyme might be bringing me to face her husband, my mate...but am silently relieved when the room is found to be completely empty. "Did you think Marcus would be in here?"

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