Chapter 10: To Have or To Lose

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I sniff at the clothes I wore. After a few mock rounds of sparring with the others, my clothes have become damp with sweat. I'd like to change, but I'm not ready to face Marcus yet. I'm not holding a grudge...I just don't want to face the truth that he is tolerating me because of the bond. I can remember the first day we met. He was so sweet, and charming. It almost feels like he isn't the same person, or maybe he is, but he just isn't for me.

"Uhm...can I barrow a shower?" I look between my new friends.

"You can use mine. I'm sure I have extra clothes for you too—we're about the same size." Renata offered.

"Thank you." I smile. Renata is part of the guard. She is Aro's personal guard as she is a physical shield—but not like a huge force field or invisible barrier, no, she can deflect enemies or threats by making them want to go in a different direction or suddenly want to avoid approaching. I think she said that it is a mental thing.

"What's wrong with your room?" Felix quirks a brow.

"I guess you haven't heard. I'm not talking nor willing to meet with Marcus. I just...I just need some time to myself." I give a forced smile, but I know they all can see through it like a sheer curtain.

"Come, Lady Carena. I'll show you to my quarters." Renata gestures for me to follow her.

Upon entering Renata's room, it is spacious and beautifully decorated. I would expect no less for one of Aro's personal guards.

"Here is a towel, and I'll leave a change of clothes for you on my bed. I'm going to the throne room; the trials are about to start and Master Aro will be needing me. Is there anything else I can do before I leave?" Renata stood straight with her hands folded in front of her.

"Well...first, you do not need to act so formal with me. I've come to regard us as friends...I hope you don't mind." I say taking one of her hands in mine.

"Not at all. I would love to be more familiar with you, Carena." Renata squeezes my hand with a wide smile.

"Great. And there is one more thing...if you don't mind, can you just tell me how Marcus is after the trials? I haven't seen him for nearly an entire day and...I just..." I struggle to find the words, but Renata places her other hand atop of mine.

"I understand. I will report Master Marcus's condition to you after court. You miss him."

I couldn't help but let out a sheepish laugh. "Yeah. I do."

I stepped into the shower. The hot water fell from the shower head, and steam immediately filled the room. I wonder if vampires have hot or cold they even feel any different? That would have to be a question I would ask Marcus...but since I'm not exactly speaking to him at the moment, I will have to save it for another time. I mean...I could ask someone else, but...this is something I do with Marcus, it's a weird and one-sided game of twenty questions, but never-the-less it's something special to me.

I held up the clothes Renata had left for me. A guard's uniform. A black blouse, with loose sleeves. A black pencil skirt, and a cloak? Putting down the garments I see a bag on the table, with a card hanging from it. My name is written in gorgeous curls of ink. Opening the card, I read...

Dear Carena,

I had a few undergarments that I have not gotten the chance to wear. Here are a few pieces as a gift of our new friendship. I also have a few heels that you are more than welcome to choose from. As a guard, I am not often given the opportunity to wear what I like and shall allow you to do so in my stead. I promise to follow up about the master. You need not find me; I will come to you.

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