· Chapter 7 ·

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Word Count: 1273



"I'm scared, Hazzy. What if they don't like me?" Louis said nervously, fiddling with the hem of his skirt.

It was a light blue and white, plait skirt, with tiny hints of green.

He had a green t-shirt on, tucked into his skirt.

An old one from Harry's - and his - closet.

He was wearing white ruffly socks with sneakers, and had a thin bracelet on his wrist.

"They won't like you," Harry agreed, wrapping his arms around Louis, "They'll love you."

Louis blushed.

He was very nervous to meet Harry's friends, Liam, Niall and Zayn.

Harry had told him about the three men multiple times. And they sounded lovely, but Louis was still nervous.

He still wasn't used to meeting new people, or sustaining any sort of relationship with someone.

Louis nodded, resting his head on Harry's chest.

"If you get uncomfortable, I'll tell them to leave, alright?" Harry reassured him.

Louis nodded again, turning his head and kissing Harry's exposed collarbone, before resting his head back on the man's chest.

Harry was wearing a white tank top, with baggy blue jeans.

Harry ran his fingers through Louis' hair, kissing his head occasionally, as he rocked them gently back and forth in their kitchen.

Then, the doorbell rang, before there was multiple different knocking patterns, and then the door was opening, and Louis could hear three people walk in, talking and laughing together as they walked down the hallway that lead to the kitchen.

Louis pulled away from Harry, who looked down at him reassuringly, "They'll love you."

Harry grabbed the sides of Louis' face in his hands, pressing a hard kiss to his lips, pulling away right when the door to the kitchen opened, revealing three men.

"Oh my God!" One of them shouted, "You must be Louis!"

He had blonde hair, his brown roots showing through.

He had a golf shirt on, with sweats and vans, and a wide smile on his face.

He had a thick Irish accent, and immediately ran up to Louis, tackling him in a hug.

Louis hugged him back, startled, his cheeks pink and a smile on his face.

"Harry's told us all about you, Louis. It's great that he's finally met his soulmate."

"Alright, lad," came a voice Louis didn't recognize, "let the poor boy breathe."

That made Niall let go of Louis, before he walked back over to join the two other men, falling into the one with raven hair's arms dramatically.

"Right, Niall," Harry said, "Thanks for attacking my Louis."

That made Louis blush more.

"Louis, this is Niall, Liam, And Zayn - Niall's soulmate. Guys, this is Louis."

"Nice to meet you, Louis. Harry's been talking our heads off for the last two months, all about you, so it's great to finally meet the infamous Louis Tomlinson."

That was Liam.

He had brown hair, brown eyes, a kind smile.

He was really buff, and had a white muscle tank top on, with black sweats and white sneakers.

MONEY - Larry Stylinson Soulmate AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now