· Chapter 5 ·

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Word Count: 1179



"I don't have much," Harry said, as the two of them stood in the huge kitchen, "I could make you some gourmet lucky charms?"

The kitchen had a huge fridge with a tablet built in, and an ice and water machine on it, too. There were lots of cupboards, drawers, counters.

There was an island in the middle of the kitchen that had barstools around it, and there was a beautiful center piece in the middle.

There were other kitchen supplies resting on the counters, such as a coffee pot, an espresso machine, coffee cups on a stand for that, a mixing bowl, a microwave, a knife block, a few cutting boards.

There were little framed paintings of food around, too, and the wall between the counters and cupboards were tiled with light blue tiles.

There was a big sink with a fancy looking spout, and a huge stove with lights and fans built in.

"Or we can have some of my leftovers from last night?"

"What are your leftovers, Harry?" Louis asked.

Harry opened the fridge, pulling out a box of pizza.

Louis could feel his mouth water, as he looked at the pizza.

He hasn't had pizza in seven years.

"Let's have your leftovers," Louis decided, nodding.

Harry nodded, smiling, "Leftovers it is."


"So," Harry started, "Where do you live?"

Louis snapped his eyes to Harry, and finished chewing the last bite of his fifth pizza slice.

He swallowed it down with the glass of water Harry had offered him.

"Um, near the park," he replied hesitantly.

Harry nodded, "That's cool. So, what were you doing with those bags? Were you on a trip or something?"

Louis scratched his head, nodding, "um, yeah, I was. I was going back home when I was attacked."

Harry frowned at that, "I'm sorry that happened."

Louis shrugged, saying without thinking, "It's okay. People like me tend to have that kind of stuff happen to them. I'm used to it."

"'People like you?'" Harry repeated, "What do you mean?"

Louis went wide eyed when he realized what he had said.

"Oh, um, it's uh, nothing."

Harry nodded.


Louis offered to wash the dishes.

He washed them while Harry stood at a different counter, doing something Louis couldn't see.

The man was telling Louis about some woman who had broke into his work and took a shit all over the fifth floor.

It had Louis almost crying with laughter.

His laughter stopped, though, when words appeared in his head.

Your soulmate has given you; 60 dollars

Louis gasped loudly, and paused his work of scrubbing the second plate.

Harry turned to him, looking at him with concern.

"What's up?" He questioned Louis.

Louis shook his head absently, "My soulmate just sent me a lot of money. Sorry for startling you."

MONEY - Larry Stylinson Soulmate AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now