Chapter 8

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It had suddenly dawned on me that Peeta had come to my rescue, he had defended me from Coin…wait does this mean that he still cares? Is there still a bit of Peeta that I knew and love fighting? “Katniss” a voice calls out, “Katniss.” I turn to the voice and see Peeta stood there with his hand out, “you need to wake up…I need you”

“Peeta…” is all I manage to say, I take his hand and his arms slide around my body gripping me warmly. I can’t control it I begin crying with happiness, “I have missed you so much, I thought I lost you…I” Peeta presses his finger against my lips to stop me talking. He leans in and kisses me softly on the lips. “I am fighting Katniss, I am fighting to be with you” he says, “You have to be patient.” I feel so safe in his arms, like I could take on the whole world; I could if I had Peeta by my side. I nod gently, he wipes the tears away from my face, “I love you Katniss, and I always will.” He looks at me lovingly in the eyes, placing both hands on the side of my face, “Always.” He leans in to kiss me once more; a bright light fills my eyes.

My whole body jerks forward, there is a steady beeping sound and someone is gripping onto my hand tightly. I open my eyes, and pain overcomes me and I let out a groan. “Katniss!” Prim screams, the grip on my hand loosens, I turn to face Prim and she is stood by my side, her eyes all puffy where she had obviously been crying. I made it, I’m alive…wait Peeta. I try and get up, but the pain makes me jerk back into my seat, I hold onto my waist. “Katniss please don’t try to move.”

“Pee…ta” I say trying to get up again but my body failing me, I gasp for breath. Gale walks up to my side and holds my hand, “Peeta is fine, he is in his hospital bed, I have been with him, trust me”

“Thank….You” I say quietly. My breathing eases and I settle back down to my bed, I need to see Peeta, I need to thank him, as soon as I can get out of this bed I will see him. As soon as I can get out of this bed I will take Coin’s place in the revolution and me, Prim, Gale, Peeta, Finnick all of us…we will defeat Snow the moral way we intended to. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2015 ⏰

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