Chapter 5

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        "Is Katniss alright?" My mother quickly bolts back into my hospital room, hearing the machine alarms sound. I'm still lying in the bed, although I'm starting to regain consciousness thanks to the oxygen mask. Gale's words continue to repeat themselves in my head. Can the Mockingjay really be replaced in the middle of a war? Not that I wanted to become it in the first place. 
Prim nods her head slowly, glancing over at my heart monitor on the wall. "Katniss nearly stopped breathing on us. That's why the alarms sounded. Of course I put the mask on her face, increased the flow of oxygen and her blood oxygen levels gradually started to rise again. Her heartbeat remains rather fast though. Do you want to start Katniss on another IV, but this time a medication to help stabilize her heartbeat?"
        Before my mother has a chance to answer, Coin bolts into the room clearly losing her patience with me. She still believes I'm faking all of this because I don't want to fulfil my duties as the Mockingjay. "The best doctor in 13 is going to perform a physical on Katniss, see how she handles it. It's going to be extremely strenuous," Coin smirks taking off my mask. 
"Absolutely not! Katniss is in no condition for that!" 
"Remember your place Primrose," Coin snaps at her as the doctor makes me walk to a different room. All of my IVs have been removed from my arm, the sensors no longer attached to my chest so no one can see my vital signs. I try my best to disguise it, because I really hate showing weakness in front of people, but it's no use. I'm struggling worse than ever.
A guard blocks the door so I can't make an exit attempt. The doctor makes me stand on a treadmill, and I quickly grip the side railings for support. He starts it off slow at a walking pace, than gradually increases it to a running speed. I can't breathe at all, I can't get any oxygen in and it feels like my chest has been set on fire. "St...op!"
        I'm given the meanest look ever by him as he hands me an oxygen mask. I keep looking down at the floor, gripping the mask tightly, trying hard to get my lungs filled with oxygen again. He could careless; he doesn't bother to listen to my heart with his stethoscope or reattach the IVs that actually help me.
     That's when Coin takes her foot and kicks me in the chest. "The Mockingjay has just been replaced."
(To be continued)
(Written by @HopeMockingjay_)

Everlark- Katniss' Survival.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن