Chapter 224: If it Was Internally Set, Just Say it

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Jooeun ignored the taunting from Irene Kim's manager and remained calm.

At this time, the lift doors opened to reveal Tomasetta's assistant standing outside. Upon seeing Irene Kim, he walked up to her and greeted her. "Miss Cha, welcome! Mr. Tomasetta is inside waiting for you."

Everyone that walked out of the lift froze in confusion, especially Irene Kim and her manager as their faces turned red.

Jooeun suddenly understood when Tomasetta told her something went wrong, what he was referring to. It turned out, the assistant had messed up their identities and Tomasetta had forgotten to correct his assistant.

"Miss Cha?"

"I am not Miss Cha!" Even though Irene Kim felt a little awkward, she still rectified the truth.

"I can't be wrong. Mr. Tomasetta wanted Cha Jooeun, which is you..." The assistant pulled out Cha Jooeun's portfolio and flipped through it. After seeing her photo, he realized he had made a mistake. "Oh God, I made a mistake."

"So the spokesperson Mont Blanc wants, is it Irene Kim or Cha Jooeun?" Irene Kim's manager asked angrily.

The assistant's face flushed red as he looked ambiguously at Irene Kim and Jooeun. He struggled to make out a word.

Instead, Changwook straightforwardly said, "Let's go, it's almost time to sign the contract. It's impolite to be late."

Jooeun walked past everyone and walked ahead, leaving the awkward Irene Kim and her manager behind.

Irene Kim's manager didn't want to admit defeat, so she pulled Irene Kim and followed behind. "We were also contacted by Mont Blanc to come to sign a contract..."

After seeing this, Tomasetta's assistant's face changed from red to white. He didn't know how he was to settle this situation.

Upon noticing Irene Kim and her assistant following them, Changwook couldn't help but laugh. "If you can't win, then you can't win."

"I refuse to believe that they wouldn't pick someone as great as Irene Kim. Is there something wrong with Mont Blanc? Why would they pick someone with such a low international status?"

Changwook didn't respond. He knew, if Irene Kim was to walk in like this, she would be even more embarrassed.

Not long after, they entered Tomasetta's office together. However, Stenson spotted Irene Kim entering behind. He couldn't avoid feeling awkward. He patted his head and said to Irene Kim's manager. "I am so sorry Miss Kim, it was all my assistant's mistake. He contacted the wrong person. I am truly apologetic."

"Mont Blanc chose Cha Jooeun?" Irene Kim directly asked.

"Yes, that's correct." Tomasetta nodded his head. "Let my assistant escort you back to the hotel."

"Can you tell me why?" Irene Kim sounded like she was suppressing her anger. She obviously did not understand Tomasetta's decision. If she had lost to a supermodel like Im Yoona, she would not have questioned it, but what was so great about Cha Jooeun? She couldn't win against the other people at GK. Couldn't she even win against Cha Jooeun?

"This is the result of a vote held by Mont Blanc. We believe that Miss Cha is a more suitable spokesperson for Mont Blanc than Miss Kim."

"What vote? If it was internally set, just say it..." Irene Kim's manager couldn't contain her emotions as she spoke to Tomasetta with hostility.

Tomasetta straightforwardly replied. "That is an insult to us and an insult to yourself. We didn't select our spokesperson based on the model's influence. The most important factor was whether the model suited our product. Miss Cha is indeed better suited than Miss Kim. I hope SM can be open-minded."

"Suitable my ass!"

Tomasetta lost his patience and directly said to Irene Kim's manager. "We don't want a stereotypical model."

Hearing this, Irene Kim was stunned as her manager angrily demanded. "Mr. Tomasetta, I want you to apologize to Irene Kim."

"I am just stating the facts. Indeed in all aspects, Miss Kim is more outstanding than Miss Cha. But what we want is not simply a safe bet. Plus Miss Kim, even if you won't admit it, in terms of professionalism, you are indeed inferior."

"How can you prove that?"

"I've already asked someone to investigate what's been happening in Seoul. Every project Miss Cha has worked on has created a huge sensation, what about you Miss Kim? Stirring up the Oriental Trend in North America, making Vanity Fair go from low sales to best-selling, helping Damiani's wedding ring series become number one, pushing Radio Star to the top of viewership by making an appearance. Miss Kim, have you done anything like this?"

Irene Kim froze, suddenly not knowing what to say. She originally had all sorts of arguments to throw at Tomasetta, but suddenly, she couldn't say a word. It was like her words were stuck in the back of her throat, making her throat burn and suffer. When she thought about it carefully, there really wasn't anything she could use to compete against them. She didn't have any unique achievements. Even though she was easily remembered on the international stage, doing something truly meaningful such as igniting a trend like ChaJooeun was not something she had ever done. Even if others didn't know, as a model herself, she was well and truly aware of how difficult this was to achieve.

"If you don't have anything else, I'd suggest the two of you leave." seeing Irene Kim had nothing to say, Tomasetta politely reminded them to leave.

Irene Kim took one glance at Cha Jooeun. Jooeun's results over the past few months flashed through her mind as she finally stabilized her emotions.

"There will definitely be a day when I win against you."

After speaking, Irene Kim left Tomasetta's office with her manager. However, her manager couldn't suppress her anger. "What's so good about Cha Jooeun?"

"Don't say that. Cha Jooeun is indeed quite capable. That's why I had no way of refuting against anything Mr. Tomasetta said." Irene Kim replied with a pale expression.

"But Irene, after losing this endorsement, how are you going to explain yourself when we get back?" Her manager asked uneasily with her hands on her hips. "We lost to GK once again. In fact, we lost to a model without much of international status. If word gets out, what would happen to SM's pride?"

"What else could we do?"

"I can tell that it took a lot of effort for Cha Jooeun to win against you. If her contract gets ruined, then neither of you would be the winner and SM wouldn't lose to GK." her manager suggested.

"What do you plan to do? Jooeun's already been through a lot, did you think she would be afraid of you?" Irene Kim sneered.

"Tonight I'll investigate who her manager is before we make a decision." her manager said thoughtfully.

Irene Kim understood, even though SM usually lost when competing with GK, at least it was always a battle on the same level. However, this time, she had lost to such a 'low level' Cha Jooeun. What pride and status did she still have in SM? This was no longer her own problem. It was a problem between SM and GK...

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