Singles Night (Ben POV)

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Summary: Based on the Twitter Prompt from @theselittlefics retweeted by @reylo_prompts: Ben starts attending Local Singles Activities at a friend's insistence. All of it is too... goofy for his taste. Fake rockclimbing, fondue nights, painting lessons, the same boring people. And to make it worse, one woman there keeps *teasing* him about his scowl

This one does have two parts so see next chapter for the conclusion

Rating: T (Teen)


Night One: Rock-Climbing

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Ben grumbled as he and Poe walked into the building with a large rock-climbing wall where the singles event would be taking place. As an avid rock climber Ben scowled at the wall like if had somehow offended him. Ben already had what one would call a 'resting bitch face' and the idea of climbing a wall only deepened his permanent scowl. "You're with Finn, what are you even doing here?" he asked, knowing with his friend present he couldn't just sneak out and lie that he had attended the event.

"Do you think I'm stupid?" Poe smiled as he looked around the venue. "I know you'd just bail on this shit the minute you walked in if I didn't come. Watching you attempt to mingle will be extremely entertaining for me," he snickered.

"Does Finn even know you're here? I'd hate for him to get the wrong impression," Ben asked, hoping a threat to text Finn would be enough to get Poe to leave.

"He told me to take video," Poe told him with a grin, having far too much fun with the situation. Ben could tell he felt some sort of pride that his boyfriend would trust him at a singles event. Poe was head over heels in love with Finn so it wasn't as if the other man had anything to worry about and everyone knew it.

"Fucking traitor," Ben mumbled as he crossed his arms. Just because he was at the event didn't mean he had to be happy about it. Ben had always found these kinds of events ridiculous. For lack of a better word, they were silly. An event filled with the multiple people doing dumb activities and making boring small talk was not exactly his idea of fun.

"Lighten up, you'll never find a girl with that kind of attitude," Poe told him.

Before Ben had a chance to respond he heard a woman say, "He's right, you're very unapproachable."

"Yet here you are approaching me," Ben said as he turned around to face the woman. He was ready to tell the woman to fuck off but the words died on his lips when he saw how beautiful she was. Ben wondered if she were at the event for the same reason as Poe because she was way out of any of league for all of the men at the event, especially him. Her smile alone could light up the room. He hair was pulled into a three bun style, which was both unique and adorable and showed off her beautiful face. In his opinion she was by far the prettiest woman at the event.

Then she opened her mouth and Ben realized why she was probably single, she held nothing back. She seemed to be quite the spitfire and it probably took a certain kind of man to handle her, none of which were likely to be in the room. Ben wasn't looking for a timid girl but the last thing he needed in his life was someone to tease him, he got enough of that in his day-to-day life from his friends and family.

"Come on grumpy, join the events. At least pretend you want to be here," she teased, completely ignoring the nametag on his shirt in favor of poking fun at him. "I'm sure your charming personality will make the women swoon," she laughed at her own joke. She gave him a look over before adding, "I'm sure you could conquer at least part of the rock wall."

Ben could tell Poe was unsuccessfully trying not to laugh. "Yeah I'm sure you're a real hit with the men," he deadpanned. Ben thought about telling her he could decimate the rock wall but decided against taking her bait.

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